Showing 266 terms beginning with V.
- Vacancies
- Vadianus
- Vadovita, Martin
- Vagantes
- Vaiseshika
- Valdés, Alfonso de
- Valdesii
- Valdesius
- Valdexius
- Valence, synod of
- Valens
- Valentine
- Valentine, Milton
- Valentinian I., Emperor
- Valentinian II.
- Valentinian III.
- Valentinians
- Valentinus, Pope
- Valentinus and his School
- Valera, Cipriano de
- Valerian, Saint
- Valerian, Publius L.
- Valerianus of Aquileia
- Valerius Gratus
- Valesius, Henricus
- Valeton, Jozua J. P., the Elder
- Valette, Jean de
- Valkhash
- Valla, Laurentius
- Vallenses
- Valley of Achor
- Vallombrosa, order of
- Valmarana, Dianira
- Valois, Henri de
- Valteline
- Valtellina, Counter-Reformation in
- Value-judgment
- Vamvas, Neophytos
- Van Alstyne, Frances J.
- Van Buren, James H.
- Van der Hoff, D.
- Van der Weiden, Roger
- Van Driessen, John
- Van Dyck, Antonius
- Van Dyke, Henry J.
- Van Eyck, Jan
- Van Horne, David
- Van Kirk, Hiram
- Van Manen, Willem C.
- Van Nijevelt, W. van Z.
- Van Pelt, John R.
- Van Rensselaer, Nicholas
- Van Riebeek, J. A.
- Van Til, Salomon
- Vanatur
- Vance, Selby F.
- Vandals
- Vanden-Bosch, K.
- Vanderbilt Theological Seminary
- Vane, Sir Henry
- Vannutelli, Serafino
- Varagine (Varazze), Jacobus de
- Vardhamana
- Varella y Losada, John
- Variant readings
- Variations, textual
- Varius Avitus Bassianus
- Varlet, Maria
- Vartabed, Eghishe
- Vartan the Great
- Varuna
- Varyags of Kief
- Vasa, Gustavus
- Vasquez, Gabriel
- Vaszary, Claudius F.
- Vatablus, Franciscus
- Vatelottes
- Vatican
- Vatke, Wilhelm
- Vaud, Free Church of
- Vaudois
- Vaughan, Bernard
- Vaulted architecture
- Vecchio, Palma
- Vedanta
- Vedas
- Vedder, Henry C.
- Vedism
- Veesenmeyer, Georg
- Vega, worship of
- Vegetarianism
- Veghe, Johannes
- Vehicle, Great and Little
- Vehicles, Hebrew
- Veil
- Veit, Philipp
- Veith, J. E.
- Veltwick, Gerhard
- Venables, George
- Venantius Fortunatus
- Venatorius, Thomas
- Vendidad
- Vendidad Sada
- Venema, Hermannus
- Veneration of sacrament
- Venezuela
- Venezuelan Islands
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- Venial sin
- Veniaminof, Ivan
- Venice, inquisition in
- Venn, Henry
- Venturinus of Bergamo
- Venus, Ishtar and
- Venus, the star
- Verbeck, Guido H. F.
- Verbeeck, Martin
- Verbesserungspunkte
- Verbiest, Ferdinand
- Vercelli, synod of
- Vercellone, Carlo
- Verden, Bishopric of
- Verethragma
- Vergerio, Pietro P.
- Vergilianæ sortes
- Verigin, Peter
- Vermigli, Pietro M.
- Vermilion
- Vernal equinox
- Vernon, Ambrose W.
- Verona, Peter of
- Veronese, Paolo
- Veronica
- Verse divisions of Bible
- Versions, Bible
- Vespasian, Titus F.
- Vespasian gospels
- Vespers
- Vessels, Sacred
- Vestments, ecclesiastical
- Vestry
- Vetter, Paul
- Veuster, Joseph de
- Via crucis
- Vialard, Emilie
- Viaticum
- Vicar
- Vicar-General
- Vicelin
- Vicenza, John
- Vico, G. B.
- Victor I., Pope
- Victor II.
- Victor III.
- Victor IV., Antipope
- Victor IV., Pope
- Victor of Antioch
- Victor, Claudius M.
- Victor Emmanuel
- Victoria, presbyterians in
- Victoria College
- Victorinus of Pettau
- Victorinus, Caius M.
- Victricius
- Vienna, concordat of
- Vienne
- Vieyra, Antonio
- Vigilantius
- Vigilius, Pope
- Vigilius of Thapsus
- Vigils
- Vigo, François
- Vikings
- Vikrasila
- Vilatte, Joseph R.
- Villaret, Foulkes de
- Villegagnon, Nicolas D. de
- Vilmar, August F. C.
- Vincent of Beauvais
- Vincent I., of Mantua
- Vincent de Paul, saint
- Vincent, Boyd
- Vincent Ferrer, Saint
- Vindonissa
- Vine, in art
- Vinegar Bible
- Vineland, Roman Catholics in
- Vines, Richard
- Vinet, Alexandre R.
- Vinne, Dionysius
- Vinson, John
- Vinton, Alexander H.
- Violet vestments
- Viret, Pierre
- Virgil (of Salzburg)
- Virgilius of Arles
- Virgin Birth
- Virgin Mary. See
- Virgin Mary, cult of
- Virginia, Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in
- Virginity of Mary
- Virgins
- Virgin's fount
- Virtue
- Virtues, the seven
- Vischer, Peter
- Visconti, Teobaldo
- Vishishtadvaita
- Vishnu
- Vishtaspa
- Vishtaspes
- Visigoths
- Visions
- Visitatio Liminum Sanctorum Apostolorum
- Visitation of churches, in Prussia
- Visitations, church
- Visits, pastoral
- Visoly Bible
- Vispered
- Vitalian, Pope
- Vitalis, Ordericus
- Vitel, Christopher
- Viti Islands
- Viticulture
- Vitringa, Campegius
- Vitus, saint (Helper-in-need)
- Vivekananda, Swami
- Vivés y Tuto, José C.
- Vladimir
- Vladislav
- Vocalization of Hebrew text
- Vocatio
- Voelkel, Johann
- Voelter, Daniel E. J.
- Voes, Henry
- Voet, Gijsbert. See
- Voetius, Gisbertus
- Vogel, Karl A. von
- Vogler, George
- Vogtherr, Georg
- Vohu Manah
- Voigt, Andrew G.
- Volck, Johann C. W.
- Volf, Peter R.
- Voliva, Wilbur G.
- Volkmann, Paul
- Vollraths
- Volney, Constantin F. C.-B., Comte de
- Vologeses I.
- Voltaire, François M. A. de
- Voluntarism
- Voluntary Missionary Society in America
- Voluntaryism
- Volunteers of America
- Voodoo
- Vorst, Guernerus
- Vorster, Johann
- Vorstius, Conradus
- Vos, Geerhardus
- Voss, Dionysius
- Vossius, Gerhard
- Votaw, Clyde W.
- Vows
- Voysey, Charles
- Vritra
- Vulgate