
« George III. of Anhalt George, Bishop of the Arabians Georgian Bible version »

George, Bishop of the Arabians


George, Bishop of the Arabians: 4, 455-457; 11, 239

the bearded: 4, 458

of Brandenburg: 4, 457-458

Duke of Saxony: 4, 458; 6, 183

of Laodicea: 4, 459

the Pisidian: 4, 459

of Polentz: 1, 106; 2, 269; 4, 459

Saint: 4, 460

Knights of: 12, 266

of Saxony: 4, 458; 6, 183

of Trebizond: 4, 460

Podiebrad: 2, 213; 5, 416; 8, 394

Syncellus: 4, 460

« George III. of Anhalt George, Bishop of the Arabians Georgian Bible version »
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