
« Synod of Aachen Synod of Groningen Synodal Courts »

Synod of Groningen


Synod of Groningen: 9, 428

of Hippo: 1, 81, 368; 2, 427

of Hohenaltheim: 5, 315

of Homberg: 5, 337

of a hundred chapters: 10, 118

of Jerusalem: 6, 139

of Kells: 6, 308

of Langres: 9, 481

of Laodicea: 6, 414; 9, 323

Lateran: 8, 162, 367

of Lestines: 6, 484

of Leucyka: 9, 105

of Liftinæ: 6, 484

of Loudun: 1, 161

of Macon: 7, 120; 11, 145

of Middelburg: 3, 375; 9, 427

of Milan: 9, 44

of Mileve: 8, 441

of Missouri: 3, 426; 7, 9, 83, 88, 89; 10, 407; 12, 259

of Moscow: 10, 118

of North America, German Evangelical: 4, 469

of Orange: 2, 333; 8, 248, 275, 389; 10, 37, 348

of Orleans: 8, 275; 11, 145

of Oxford: 8, 295

pan-Anglican: 6, 403

of Paris: 10, 261

of Pavia: 8, 422

of Petrikau: 5, 375; 9, 2

of Piacenza: 12, 105

of Pistoja: 10, 24

of Quiercy: 1, 145

of Rakow: 10, 488

of Ravenna: 1, 83

of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America: 9, 232, 233

of Reims: 9, 200

of Sardica: 3, 37; 9, 126; 10, 207

of Saybrook: 3, 234

of Seleucia: 1, 21; 5, 283

of Seligenstadt: 10, 345

of Sendomir: 9, 107, 422; 10, 356, 357

of Siena: 10, 404

of Sirmium: 1, 21, 280; 4, 201; 5, 283; 9, 44

of Soissons: 10, 94

of Stuttgart: 11, 122, 123

of Sutri: 2, 41; 5, 60

of Tarragona: 2, 86

of Thorn: 9, 107

of Toledo: 2, 231; 9, 259, 321; 10, 66; 11, 460-462

of Treves: 9, 163

of Tribur: 12, 14

of Tvin: 8, 118

of Ulster: 9, 218

of Upsala: 9, 423

of Valence: 9, 481; 10, 348

of Vercelli: 9, 403

of Vienne: 9, 243; 12, 182, 183

of Wesel: 9, 426

of Whitby: 8, 284; 12, 339

« Synod of Aachen Synod of Groningen Synodal Courts »
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