
« Reformatory and Refuge Union Reformed attitude towards missions Reformers, on asceticism »

Reformed attitude towards missions

Reformed attitude towards missions: 7, 404, 405

Catholics: 9, 425

Christian Church: 9, 225

Church: 9, 297; 10, 356

in Alsace-Lorraine: 1, 138

in America: 9, 429, 432

of Brandenburg: 1, 481

Christian: 9, 425

church orders in: 1, 85

discipline: 3, 87

ecclesiastical records: 1, 275

in France: 3, 285, 286; 4, 353; 8, 81, 82; 12, 250

in Germany: 1, 138, 418; 2, 13, 259, 286; 5, 128, 254; 6, 493; 7, 58, 267; 8, 233; 9, 315; 10, 219, 228; 12, 80, 81, 240

in Holland: 5, 319-320; 9, 426-429

in Hungary: 5, 409; 7, 291

liturgy: 7, 38

on Lord's Supper: 7, 35

in the Palatinate: 2, 379

in Russia: 10, 121

on sanctification: 10, 200

in South Africa: 9, 433

of Spain: 11, 27

in Switzerland: 11, 191-195

synods of: 3, 283

churches, alliance of: 1, 132

churches, ordination in: 8, 256

government of: 3, 93

(Dutch) Church: 9, 426-435

in America: 7, 2; 9, 429-432

liturgy of: 1, 86

Cistercians: 11, 501, 502

confessions: 2, 361, 362

Covenanted Presbyterians: 9, 237

episcopacy: 4, 159

Episcopalians: 3, 26, 321; 9, 284, 434-435

ethics: 4, 189

(Dutch) Church: 9, 426-434

(German) Church in the U. S.: 9, 436, 437; 10, 240

liturgy of: 1, 86

(Hungarian) Church in America: 9, 438

Jews: 6, 63

League for Germany: 9, 438

Mennonites: 7, 308

Presbyterian Church: 9, 215

in Canada: 9, 237

(Covenanted): 9, 237

of lreland: 9, 218

in North America (General Synod): 9, 235

of North America, Synod of: 9, 232, 233

in the United States: 9, 237

Protestant Dutch Church in North America: 9, 432

Synod of the South, Associate: 9, 233

theological education: 11, 331

« Reformatory and Refuge Union Reformed attitude towards missions Reformers, on asceticism »
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