
« Reform of Johannes de Vallibus Reformation, The Reformation, in Halle »

Reformation, The

Reformation, The: 9, 417-424

and the Bible: 2, 82

and dogma: 3, 472

and education: 11, 334

and latreia: 10, 176

and music: 10, 155, 156-157, 158

and patronage: 8, 390

and theology: 4, 126

burial service: 2, 309

celebration of the: 4, 290

churches, baptismal service in: 1, 444

creeds of: 11, 201

doctrine of sin: 10, 436

Erasmus and the: 4, 165

in exegesis: 4, 241

Leo X. and the: 6, 454

Menno Simons on: 10, 427

in Basel: 8, 222-225; 12, 120

in Bern: 5, 126; 7, 165

in Bohemia: 9, 422

in Bremen: 9, 279; 11, 441

in Brunswick-Lueneburg: 4, 168

in Carniola: 5, 493; 12, 26, 27

in Cologne: 5, 83, 239; 6, 349

in Constance: 2, 198; 12, 537

in Denmark: 2, 296; 11, 278

in England: 3, 295; 8, 358; 9, 423; 11, 417

in Finland: 4, 314

in France: 9, 421

in Geneva: 2, 355-358; 4, 278, 401, 402, 449, 450

in Germany: 1, 54, 55; 9, 419, 420

in Hall: 2, 260-261

« Reform of Johannes de Vallibus Reformation, The Reformation, in Halle »
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