
« Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ Mary, immaculate conception of Mary Magdalene »

Mary, immaculate conception of


Mary, immaculate conception of: 5, 455-457; 9, 83

John's account of the departure of: 1, 227

Joseph and, relations of: 12, 202-206

Knights of St.: 7, 181

Oblates of the . . . Virgin: 7, 181

orders of. See Immaculate Heart; Immaculate Conception

perpetual virginity of: 1, 196; 2, 231; 5, 219; 6, 90, 128, 240

questions, greater and lesser, of: 1, 227

Regular Clerks of St.: 7, 181

seven dolors of the virgin, feast of: 7, 222

sisterhood of: 3, 379

society of: 7, 181

as theotokos: 1, 19; 2, 436; 3, 53; 7, 221; 8, 124; 10, 175

veneration of: 1, 276; 7, 40, 41, 47, 48; 7, 220, 221, 223; 10, 73

« Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ Mary, immaculate conception of Mary Magdalene »
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