
« Engels, Friedrich England, Anabaptists in Engle, Jacob »

England, Anabaptists in

England, Anabaptists in: 1, 162

art in: 8, 305

Baptists in: 1, 457-466

and Boniface VIII.: 2, 224

catechisms of: 2, 446

and Catholicism: 1, 131

Christianity in: 1, 179-180; 4, 131, 293

Church of: 4, 131-138; 6, 418; 9, 301; 10, 49-54, 76

Church of, fast days: 10, 66

Congregationalists in: 3, 231

divorce law in: 3, 455

ecclesiastical architecture of: 1, 270-271

and Innocent III.: 5, 500

investiture in: 6, 26

Jews in: 6, 59

Methodists in: 7, 332-340

and Peter's pence: 8, 498, 499

and Philip II. of Spain: 9, 21, 22

Presbyterians in: 4, 139; 9, 216, 217

Protestants in: 4, 138, 139

Reformation in: 3, 295; 8, 358; 9, 423; 11, 417

religious toleration in: 6, 478

Roman Catholics in: 4, 139

socialism in: 10, 484

and Wales: 4, 138-140

« Engels, Friedrich England, Anabaptists in Engle, Jacob »
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