
« Calvert, George Calvin, John Calvin, on usury »

Calvin, John

Calvin, John: 2, 79, 80, 197, 353-359, 437, 438; 9, 297, 298; 12, 536

on amusements: 1, 43

on baptism: 1, 439, 446

Beza and: 2, 81

on the Bible: 9, 297

on the Church: 3, 84, 230

on church discipline: 3, 87, 88

church orders of: 1, 85

on dogma: 3, 475

on free will: 12, 356

on hymnody: 5, 427, 428

on infant salvation: 5, 491

on inspiration: 6, 15

on kenosis: 6, 317

on the keys: 6, 328

on the kingdom: 6, 337

liturgy of: 7, 38

on notes of the Church: 8, 196

as preacher: 9, 166

on predestination: 9, 197

on presbyterate: 9, 203

on providence: 9, 309

as reformer: 9, 421

on religious toleration: 6, 477

and Servetus: 2, 357; 10, 371-372

on threefold office of Christ: 6, 173

on ubiquity: 12, 52

« Calvert, George Calvin, John Calvin, on usury »
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