
ZIMMERMANN, tsim'er-mdn", PAUL AUGUST BERNHARD VON: Austrian Protestant; b. at Dresden Sept. 3, 1843. He was educated at the universities of Leipsic (1864-67; Ph.fl., 1869) and Berlin (18678), after which he was a catechist and pastor of St. Thomas's, Leipsic, until 1874. Since 1875 he has been pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran church in .Vienna, and since 1888 has also been privat-docent for the philosophy of religion in the Evangelical theological faculty in the same city. He is a member of the governing board of the Vienna Christlicher Verein junger Maaner and the founder and president of the Verein für evangelische Diakonie. ' In theology his position is positive. He has been editor of Der evangelische Hausfreund; and has written, Platos Lehre von der Unsterblichkeit der Seele (Leipsic, 1869); Gottesgrusse aus Natur and Menachxnleben (1872); Tropfen ins Meer (sermons and confirmation addresses; 1875); Das Ratsel des Lebens und die Ratlosigkeit des Materialismus (1877); Toleranz and Intderanz gegen das Evangelium in Oesterreich (1881); Liebe and Leid (collected addresses; 1885); Das Evangeliunt in Oesterreieh and Frankreich (1885); Var der Pforte des Heiligtu»aa (1887); Vaterunaer (Vienna, 1894); Für stills Stunden (meditations; 1896); Das Evangelitem in Wien (Leipsic, 1903); and Was urir der Reformation zu verdanken haben, and Hauptpunkte des evangelischen Glaubensbekenntnisses (7th ed., Heilbronn, 1907).


ZIMMERN, tsim'trn, HEINRICH: German Protestant; b. at Graben (20 m. s.w. of Heidelberg), Baden, July 14, 1862. He was educated at the universities of Leipsic (Ph.D., 1884) and Erlangen (1884-85); was curate in Baden (1885-87); a member of the staff of the university library at Leipsic (1887-88); privat-docent for Semitics successively at Königsberg (1889-90) and Halle (1890-94); associate professor of Assyriology at Leipsic (1894-1899); associate professor of Semitics at Breslau (1899-1900); and returned in 1901 to Leipsic to become professor of oriental languages. He has written Beiträge zur Kenntnis der babylmeischerc Religion (3 parts, Leipsic, 1896-1901); and Vergleiehende Grammatik der semitischen Sprachen. (Berlin, 1898); and edited the Leipziger semitistische Studien (1904 sqq.).


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