
ZIEGLER, taia'ler, JAKOB: Humanist and theologian; b. about 1471; d. at Passau in 1549. Ziegler becomes known in 1491 as coming from Landau to the University of Ingolatadt and taking there his master's degree; in 1504 he dedicated an unprinted description of an astronomical instrument at Cologne to the Abbot Trithemius; soon after he was at Vienna, and after that at the castle of Baron Heinrich Kuna in Moravia, where he wrote a work against the Bohemian Brethren (Leipsic, 1512). A friendship with Caelio Calcagnini and with Bishop Ladislaus Szalkan of Waitzen led to an introduction to Cardinal Hippolytus of Este, through whom he received in 1521 an invitation to Rome from Pope Leo X. to complete there his mathematical and geographical works. Papal protection ceased on the death of Leo, but Ziegler remained there till 1525, working on a harmony of the Gospels. In 1523 he issued a defense of Erasmus against the Spaniard Stunica, Libellus adversus Jacobi Stunico maledicentaam (Basel, 1523). In 1525-31 he was with Calcagnini at Ferrara, where he gave expression to his opinions of the worldliness of the papal court and the tyranny of the pope in his Vita Clementis V11. Most noteworthy is his program for a new constitution of Christendom, Rei Christiance infirmitas. In this he proposed a peace union of German cities and princes, confiscation of ecclesiastical possessions, establishment of a rule of peace after a campaign against the Turks and their Christian allies (Venice and Zapolya), election of two. console to rule Italy and Rome and two Csesars for the control of France


256, and in Christian Classic Seri", vol, vii., London, 1892. Neat to Lightfoot's the beat discussion is R,. A. Lipeius, Do Clementis Romani epistola, Leipsic, 1855; idem, Chrmudogie der rthnischen B%arhB/a, Kiel. 1889. Consult further: M. J. Wopher, Din Brisfa du . . Ciemens and PdycarPua. Tübingen, 1830; C. J. Von Hefele, Patrum Apostol%eorum opera, ib. 1842; E. W. E. Renee, Histoire do la thEokpie chr�ienne, ii. 809 sqq., Paris. 1852; A. R. M. Dreseel, Patrum Apostolicorum opera, Leipsic, 1857; J. Donaldson, History of Christian Literature, i. 90-153, London, 1884-68; idem, Apostolic Father% pp. 113-190, ib. 1874; F. C. Baur, Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, i. 155. 249 et passim, Leipsic. 1885; T. Zahn, Hirt den Herman, Gotha, 1888; A. Hilgenfeld, Din apostolischen V�ter, Halle, 1883; idem, Clementia Romani epietolce, Leipsic, 1878; J. M. Cotterill, Persprinw Protaw, Edinburgh, 1879; idem, Modern Criticism and Clement'a Epistles to Virgins, ib. 1884; F. X. Funk, in TQ, 1879, pp. 539eqq.; idem. Opera patrum Apostolicorum, vol. ii., Tübingen, 1881; S. Maietra, CiSrnent de Row, sow hieto%ra, 2 vols., Paris, 1883-84; C. TA. Hoole, Apostolic Fadera . .

trend. into English, with %nbroductoryNotaa, London, 1885; Harnsck, in TU, v (1888), 8284; idem. Litteratur, i. 780 et passim, II. i. 251 sqq., 442, 438 sqq., II. ii. 298, $04 sqq.; E. Burton, Apostolic Fathers, part i., Epistles of Clement, with Introduction, London, 1888; W. Wards, Untareurhunpan sum srstan Ctemenabriafa, Göttingen, 1891; C. T. Cruttwell, Literary History of Early Christianity, 2 vols., London, 1893; Krtiget, History, pp. 21-28, 82--83; Schaff,, Christian Church. ii. 838-851; DCB, i. 664-669; AL, iii. 449-458.


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