
ZEZSCHWITZ, taetsh'wits, KARL ADOLF GERHARD VON: Lutheran theologian; b. at Bautzen (31 m. e.n.e. of Dresden) July 2, 1825; d. at Erlangen July 20, 1886. After elementary instruction at Dresden and Bautzen, he entered in 1846 the University of Leipsic, studying under Winer and Harless; he then became an assistant in the Mission House at Leipsic, and also taught in a girls' school; next he became substitute pastor at Glosazachocher, a village near Leipsic; from there he went to Leipsic ps second university preacher in 1856, having developed a rich experience which he was hereafter to utilize in the department of cate-


chetics. In 1857 he became a teacher in the university, and published Petri apostoli de Christi descensu ad inferos sententia . . . (Leipsic, 1857), also Profangracttat and biblischer Sprachgeist (1859). Besides exegesis, he dealt with catechetics; his work as preacher was acceptable, and he issued two volumes of sermons (1860, 1864). By 1862 he had finished the first volume of his System der christlichkirchlichen Katechetik, completed in 1864. Beginning in 1862 he issued a series of smaller works on catechetics which was not completed till the issue of his Christenlehre im Zusammenhang (1885). During 18635 he delivered lectures at Frankfort, Darmstadt, and Basel, afterward published as Inhere Mission, Volkserziehung and Prophetenthum (Frankfort, 1864), and Apologie des Christenthums reach Geschichte und Lehre (Leipsic, 1866). In 1865 he received a call as professor to Giessen, and the next year to Erlangen to teach practical theology; in 1867 the position of university preacher came to him; in 1868 he founded the Studienhaus, which became influential in the university, in which he exercised a useful leadership. In 1885 he laid down his position of university preacher, but devoted himself the more earnestly to his work of teaching.

Alongside his works on catechetica stands his chief work, Das System der praktischen Theologie (Leipsic, 1878), which found a wide and welcome field of usefulness. Other works are: Yom römischen Kaiserthum deutscher Nation (1877); Das mittelalterliche Drama vom Ende des römischen Kaz serlhums (1878); and Einleitung in die praktische Theologie (Nördlingen, 1883). In his ecclesiastical relations Zezachwitz was a faithful Lutheran, op posing Romanism and also the "Union." In his culture he was wide and catholic, and his influence was salutary.

(T. Ficker.)


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