
ZOEPFFEL, tsup'fel, RICHARD OTTO: Theo logian; b. at Arensburg (on the island of Oael, Gulf of Riga), Russia, June 14, 1843; d. at Strasburg Jan. 7, 1891. He studied theology at Dorpat, 18Ei2 1868, and history at Göttingen, 1868-70, becoming in 1870 privatdocent at the latter university; he was called to Strasburg as extraordinary professor of church history in 1872, was made ordinary pro fessor in 1877, and rector in 1887. His chief writing was Die Papstwahlen . . . vom ii. bis Ih. Jahrhun dert (Göttingen, 1871); he also issued Johannes Sturm, Der erste Rektor der Strassburger Akademie (Strasburg, 1887). Besides these works, he was a contributor to the Herzog RE, was collaborator with H. Holtzmann in the Lexikon. für Theologie and Kirchenwesen (1882), was a contributor to the All gemeine deutsche Biographic, and to various theolog ical journals. In all of these labors his moat charac teristic trait.was tirelessness in reaching fundamental facts, combined with impartiality in setting them forth.

(H. Holtzmannn.)

Bibliography: Eriehaon, in Eeangediach protestantische Kirchenbote, 1891, p. 10; ADB, alv. 431-432.

ZOHAR. See Cabala, § 17.

ZOLLIKOFER, tsol'lf-cof"er, GEORG JOACHIM: Renowned preacher, poet, and hymnwriter; b. at St. Gall Aug. 5, 1730; d. at Leipsic Jan. 22, 1788. He received his education at the gymnasia of St. Gall and Bremen and the high school of Utrecht; taught for four years in a family of Frankfort; took position in 1754 as minister at Murten, canton Bern, Switzerland, then at Monstein, and later at Isenburg; in 1758 he becam5 pastor of the Reformed congregation at Leipsic, to which he gave the rest of his life. Among. his services to the Church may be named in the front rank that to hymnology. He recognized the fact that many of the hymns used were unworthy, and made a contribution in his Neues Gesangbuch (1766), in which he incorporated some of his own compositions, including " Dein, Gott, ist Majestat and Macht " and " Willst du der Weisheit Queue kennen." In the region of devotional works he issued Anreden and Gebete (Leipsic, 1777) and Andachtsiibungert and Gebete zum Privatgebrauche (1785; Eng. transl., Devotional Exercises and Prayers, London, 1815). But his place in history is best assured by his sermons (collected edition, 15 vols., 1789-1804; Eng. transl., 10 vols., London, 1803-12; some of these also reproduced in the United States). For his style he has been given a worthy place in the history of German literature by such a critic as Goethe. While his theology was that of the Enlightenment (q.v.), he did not belong to the " storm and stress " movement. He is best described as a rational supernaturalist. His preaching was both textual and thematic, while his treatment was tasteful, clear. lively, warm, rarely glowing.

(P. Mehlhorn.)

Bibliography: C. Garve, Uebsr den Charakter ZodlikoJera, Leipsic, 1788; F. R. G. Hiraching, Historiach-ditterar£schea Handbuch, avii. 372 sqq., ib. 1815; J. M. H. DSring, Die deutschen Kanzedredner, pp. 858 sqq., Neuatadt, 1830; C. G. H. Lentz, Geschichte der christdichen Homidetik, ii. 327 sqq., Brunswick, 1839; K. H. Sack, Geschichte der Prsdigt in der deutsch-euangedischen Kirche, 2d ed_ pp. 185 sqq., Heidelberg, n.d.; R. Rothe, Geschichte der Predigl, pp. 436 sqq., Bremen, 1881; P. Weinmeis£er, Beiträge zur Geschichte der soangeliaehrreJormierten Gemeinde su Leipzig, 1 X00-1900, pp. 168 sqq., Leipsic,1900; ADD, xlv. 415 sqq.


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