
ZAHN, tslln, JOSEF: Roman Catholic; b. at Stradtprozelten (near Aschaffenburg, 23 m. e.s.e. of Frankfort) June 20, 1862. He studied at the universities of Würzburg and Vienna, 1880-85; became subregent of the priests' seminary at Würz-


burg, 1889; in 1903 professor of pastoral theology and homiletics at the University of Strasburg; in 1910 regent at Würzburg, and professor of dogmatics there in 1911. He is the author of Apologetische Grundgedanken bei den Kirchenschriftstellern. der drei ersten Jahrhunderten (1890); cooperated with J. Grimm in Das Leben Jesu (2 vols., Regensburg, 1903-06); writing also Einfuhrung in die christliche Mystik (Paderborn, 1908); and Vollkom menheitsideale (vol. i., 1911).

ZAHN, THEODOR: German Protestant; b. at MSrs (17 m. w. of Essen) Oct. 10, 1838. He was educated at the universities of Basel, Erlangen, and Berlin (1854-58); was teacher in the gymnasium at Neustrelitz (1861-65); became a lecturer at the University of Göttingen (1865), privat-docent (1868), associate professor (1871); professor at Kiel (1877), at Erlangen (1878), and at Leipsic (1888), while in 1892 he returned to Erlangen as professor of pedagogics and New-Testament exegesis, a position which he still retains. His literary activity has been great, commensurate with his responsibility as virtual leader of the conservatives in New-Testament criticism. Among his works may be named: Die Voraussetzungen r echter Weihnachtsfeier (Berlin, 1865); Marcellus von Aneyra (Gotha, 1867); Der Hirt des Hermas untersueht (1868); Ignatius von Antiochien (1873); Konstantin der Grosse und die Kirche (Hanover, 1876); Weltverkehr rend Kirche wdhrend der drei ersten Jahrhunderte (1877); Geschichte des Sonntags vornehmlich in der alten Kirche (1878); Forschungen zur Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons und der altkirchlichen Literatur (7 vols., Erlangen, 1881-1903); Cyprian von Antiochien und die deutschen Fausttage (1882); Missionsmethoden im Zeitalter der Apostel (1886); Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons (2 vols., 1889-92); Einige Bemerkungen zu Adolf Harnacks Prfifung der Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons (Leipsic, 1889); Brot and Wein im Abendmahl der alten Kirche (1892); Das Evangelium des Petrus (1893); Das apostolische Symbol, eine Skizze saner Geschichte und sine Prüfung seines Inhalts (1893); Die bleibende Bedeutung des neutestamentlichen Kanons (1898); Einleitung in das Nate Testament (2 vols., 1897-1900; Eng. transl., Introduction to the N. T., 3 vols., Edinburgh, 1909); Die Dormitio Sancta Virginis und das Haus des Johannes Marcus (1899); Brot and Salz aus Gotta Wort in zwanzig Predigten (1901); Grundriss der Geschichte des newtestamentlichen Kanons (1901; 2d ed., 1904). He has also edited, in collaboration with O. von Gebhardt and A. Harnack, the Patrum apostolicorum opera (3 vols., Leipsic, 1875-77; 5th ed., 1905; minor ed., 1877), to which he contributed the volume on Ignatii et Polycarpi epistula, martyria, fragments (1876); Kommentar zum Neuen Testament (1903 sqq.), for which he prepared the volumes on Matthew (1903), Galatians (1905), and John (1907); he edited also the Acts of John (Erlangen, 1880).


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