
EUCKEN, CHRISTIAN RUDOLF: German Protestant philosopher and the leading exponent of modern German idealism; b. at Aurich (60 m. n.w. of Bremen) Jan 5, 1846. He was educated at the universities of Göttingen and Berlin (1863-67), and after teaching in a gymnasium until 1871 was called to Basel as professor of philosophy, whence he was transferred, in 1874, to his present position as professor of the same subject at Jena. He has written Die Methode der aristotelischen Forschung in ihrem Zusammenhang mit den philosophischen Grundprincipien des Aristoteles (Berlin, 1872): G Geschichte und Kritik der Grundbegri,ffe der Gegenwart (Leipsic, 1878; 4th ed., Geistige StrSmungen der Gegen wart, 1909; Eng. transl. by M. S. Phelps, Fundamental Concepts of Modern Philosophic Thought, New York, 1880); Geschichte der philosophischen Terminologie (1879 ); Prolegomena zu Forsehungen caber die Einheit des Geisteslebens in Bewusstsein and That der Menschheit (1885); Beiträge zur Geschichte der neueren Philosophie, vornehmlich der deutschen (Heidelberg, 1886; 2d ed., Beiträge zur Einführung in die Geschichte der Philosophie, Leipsic, 1906); Einheit des Geisteslebens in Bewusstsein and That der Menschheit (Leipsic, 1888); Lebansanschauungen der grossen Denker (1890; 8th ed., 1909; Eng. transl., W. S. Hough and 14Y. R. B. Gibson, Problem of Human Life as Viewed by the Great Thinkers, New York, 1909); Kampf um einen geistlichen

Lebensinhalt (1896; 2d ed., 1907); Wahrheitsgehalt der Religion (1901 ; 2d ed., 1905; Eng. transl., The Truth of Religion, New York, 1911); Gesammselte AusstitzezuPhilosophieundLebensansehauung (1903); Grundlinien e iner neuen Lebensanschauung (1907); Hauptprobleme der Religionsphilosophie der Gegenwart (Berlin, 1907; 3d ed., 1909); Sinn and Went des Lebens (Leipsic, 1908; 3d ed., 1910; Eng. transl., Meaning and Value of Life, New York, 1909); and Einführung in eine Philosophie des Geisteslebens (1908; Eng, trans., F. L. Pogson,'Life of the Spirit, New York, 1909).

EVJEN, JOHN OLUF: Lutheran; b. at Iahpeming, Mich., Dec. 13, 1874. He was educated at Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, Minn. (B.A., 1895), the theological seminary of the same institution (1898), and the University of Leipsic (Ph.D., 1903), and after being for a short time a pastor at Muskegon and Grand Rapids, Mich., was successively acting professor of church history at the United Church Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. (1903-05), and professor of Biblical history in Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. (1905-1909). Since 1909 he has been professor of theology in Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis. He has written Die Staatsumwielzung in Ddnemark i m Jahre 1660 (Leipsic, 1904), Scandinavia and the Book of Concord (Gettysburg, Pa., 1906), Et Kapitel fro Symbolforpligtelsens Historie (Minneapolis, 1911), and Lutheran Germany and the Book of Concord (1911).


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