
YOUNG, ROBERT: Lay theologian and orientalist; b. at Edinburgh Sept. 10, 1822; d. there Oct. 14, 1888. He received his education at private schools, 1827-38; served an apprenticeship to the printing business, 1838-45, using his spare time to study the oriental languages; became a communicant in 1842; joined the Free Church, and became a Sabbath-school teacher in 1843. In 1847 he took up printing and bookselling on his own account, proceeding to publish books that tended to further the study of the Old Testament and its ancient versions; his first publication was an edition with translation of Maimonides' 613 precepts. He went to India as a literary missionary and superintendent of the mission press at Surat, in 1856, returning in 1861; conducted the "Missionary Institute," 1864-1874; and visited America in 1867. He was a moderate Calvinist, a simple Presbyterian, and a strict textual critic and theologian. His important work was the Analytical Concordance to the Bible . . . containing every Word in alphabetical Order, arranged under its Hebrew or Greek Original (Edinburgh, 1879); one may cite also his Concise Commentary on the Holy Bible, being a Companion to the new Translation of the Old and New Covenants . . . 2 Pt. (1865); Contributions to a New Revision; or, a critical Companion to the New Testament (1881); and the Christology of the Targums, or the Doctrine of the Messiah, as it is unfolded in the ancient Jewish Targums, or Chaldee Paraphrases of the Holy Scriptures. Young was celebrated as an editor and translator of Jewish and Biblical writings in various languages, especially in Hebrew, Samaritan, Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic, and Gujarati, thus and in other ways contributing to the apparatus for textual criticism. He was also active in the region of comparative linguistics and in Semitic philology.

Bibliography: Banner of Ulster, Dec. 18, 1855; DNB, lxiii. 390.

YOUNG, SAMUEL EDWARD: Presbyterian; b. at Deep Cut, Auglaize Co., O., June 6, 1866. He was educated at Westminster College, Mo. (1883-1886), and Princeton (1886-88) and Union (1888-1889) Theological Seminaries. He has been pastor of Westminster Church, Asbury Park, N. J. (1889-1894), Central Church, Newark, N. J. (1894-97), Second Church, Pittsburg, Pa. (1898-1908), and Bedford Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. (since 1908). He has been active in ameliorating the conditions of the life-saving service, and while at Pittsburg organized both a system of summer services in the city parks and afternoon theater services. He was vice-chairman of the committee of the General Assembly that organized the Presbyterian Brotherhood of America, and, besides being a member of the evangelistic committee of the General Assembly, is a chaplain of the Actors' Church Alliance of Auasrica~



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