

Canadian Methodist Episcopalian; b. at Smith's Falls, Ont., Apr. 7, 1840. He was educated at the Normal School of the Province of Ontario, after having taught for several years, and in 1863 entered the ministry. Four years later he was ordained, and, after being stationed at the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Hamilton, Ont., in 1867-68, was sent as a missionary to Norway House, Northwest Territory. There he worked among the Indians for five years, and in 1873 went in a similar capacity to Beren's River, Northwest Territory, where he remained thiee years (1873-76). In 1876 he returned to Ontario and was stationed successively at Port Perry (1876-79), Colborne (1879-82), Bowmanville (1882-85), Medford (1885-87), and St. Paul's, Brampton (1887-88). Since 1888 he has been prominent as a lecturer on work among the. American Indians, and in this cause has made repeated tours of the world. He has written By Canoe and- DogTrain among the Cree and Saulteaux Indians (New York, 1890); Stories from Indian Wigwams and Northern Camp-Fires (1893); Oowikapun: or, How the Gospel reached Nelson River Indians (1894); Three Boys in the Wild North Land (1896); On the Indian Trail: Stories of Missionary Work among the Cree and Saulteaux Indians (1897); Winter Adventures of Three Boys in the Great Lone Land (1899); The Apostle of the North, James Evans (1899); My Dogs in the Northland (1902); Algonquin Indian Tales (1903); Children of the Forest (1904); Duck Lake (1905); Hector my Dog (Boston, 1905); and Battle of the Bears (1907).


Scotch Biblical scholar; b. at Sexton (18 m. n.e. of Dundee), Scotland, Aug. 29, 1584; d. at Bromfield, Essex, England, Sept. 7, 1652. He was educated at the University of St. Andrews (M.A., 1603); became librarian and. secretary to the bishop of hester, 1603; was incorporated at Oxford; 1605, and, taking holy orders, became a chaplain of All Souls' College; was librarian successively to Prince Henry, James I, and Charles I; in 1613 held a prebend in Cheater Cathedral; became a burgess of Dundee, 1618; prebendary and treasurer of St. Paul's Cathedral, 1621; Latin secretary to Bishop John Williams, 1624; rector of Llanynys, Denbighshire, 1623; and was rector of Hayes, Middlesex, 1623-47. He was an eminent scholar in Greek; and his reputation was such that he was entrusted with the revision of Codex A of the Septuagint. He made contributions to Walton's Polyglot, and edited I Clement, 1633, and I and II Clement, 1637; in 1637 he published a catena of the Greek Fathers on Job, and in 1639 a commentary on Canticles.

Bibliography: J. Kemke, Patricius Junius (Patrick Young), Leipsic, 1898; Thomas Smith, Vitæ quorundam eruditissimorum et illustrium virorum, London, 1707; Hugh Young, Sir Peter Young of Seaton, privately printed, 1896; DNB, lxiii. 385-386.


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