WORDSWORTH, JOHN: Church of England,
bishop of Salisbury; b. at Harrow-0n-the-Hill (11
m. n.w. of London), Middlesex, Sept. 21, 1843; d.
in London Aug. 16, 1911. He was educated at New
College, Oxford (B.A., 1863; MA., 1868), and was
ordered deacon in 1867 and ordained priest two
years later; was assistant master of Wellington
College (1866-67); was elected fellow of Brasenose
College (1867), was tutor (1868-83)-, also prebendary of Longford Ecclesia in Lincoln Cathedral
(1870-83), as well as chaplain of Braaenoae College
and examining chaplain to the bishop of Lincoln
(his father); select preacher at Oxford (1875-77
and 1888-W), Grinfeld Lecturer on the Septuagint
(1876-78), university preacher at Whitehall (1879),
and Bampton Lecturer (1881); Oriel professor of
Work and Saddle .Animals the interpretation of Holy Scripture in Oxford Uni
versity (1883-85), at the same time being fellow of
Oriel College and canon of Rochester; in 1885 he
was consecrated bishop
of Salisbury. In 1872 he
attended the Old Catholic Congress at Cologne, and
from 1878 to 1883 spent much time in Italy, France,
and Spain, collating manuscripts for an edition of
the Vulgate New Testament. He did much to se
cure the practical settlement of the status of readers
in the Anglican Church, and it was he who prepared
the Latin draft of the
Responsio Archiepiscoporum
Anglim (published in 1897) in reply to the papal
bull of Sept. 13, 1896, denying the validity of Ang
lican orders. He wrote
Keble College and the Present
University Crisis (London, 1869);
Lectures Introductory to a Study of Latin Literature
(Oxford, 1870);
Fragments and Specimens of Early Latin
University Sermons on Gospel Sulrdeets
The One Religion, Truth, Holiness, and Peace, Desired by
the Nations and Revealed by Jesus Christ
(Bampton lectures; 1881);
Old Latin Biblical Texts (in col
laboration with W. Sanday and H. J. White; 2 vols.,
Novum Testamentum Latins ad codicum
manuscriptorum fidem (in collaboration with H. J.
White; 5 parts, comprising the Gospels and Acts,
The Holy Communion
(London, 1891);
De validitate ordinum Anglicanorum
(Salisbury, 1894);
Trois lettres sur la position de Nglise anglicane
The Church of England and the Eastern Pa
triarchs (Oxford, 1892);
On the Rite of Consecration of Churches
(with the Sarum form; London, 1899);
The Episcopate of Charles Wordsworth, Bishop of St.
Andrews (1899);
Bishop Sarapion's Prayer Book
(1899; rev. ed., 1910);
The Ministry of Grace
(1891; new ed., 1903);
The Baptismal. Confession and the
Creed (London, 1904);
The Law of the Church and Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister
The Invocation of Saints and the 22d Article
(1908); Or
dination Problems
(1909); and
Unity and Fellowship