
WOLTERS, v6lt'ers, ALBRECHT JULIUS KONSTANTIN: German theologian; b. at Emmerichon-the-Rhine (60 m. w. of Münster) Aug. 22, 1822; d. at Bonn Mar. 29, 1877. He began his education in the gymnasium of his native town, and the relics of early Christian art of various kinds accessible there gave him a taste for archeological studies. He attended the University of Bonn, where he came under the influence of Friedrich Bleek and Karl Immanuel Nitzsch (qq.v.); then went to Berlin and pursued theological and philosophical studies under Marheineke, Vatke, Hengstenberg, and others, developing his talent for languages; he closed his studies by returning to Bonn. His first work was done as private tutor at Naples, during three years of which activity he acquired a mastery of the Italian; re-


Wolsey Women turning to Germany he took a position as unordained assistant at Krefeld, then held a teacherehip for a brief time at a girls' school at Cologne, after which he became pastor at Wesel (1851); in 1857 he went to Bonn to do the work of a pastor, and showed a com prehensive activity in preaching, organization, lead ership and the cure of souls, adding to his other duties the religious instruction of the upper classes in the gymnasium; after 1862 he was a standing repre sentative at the provincial synod, and in 1869 he be came superintendent of the district of Mulheim. In 1874 he assumed a new line of duty as professor of practical theology at Halle, lecturing also on various New-Testament epistles, on church order, and on the history of Christian art; here he served also as head of the governing body of the deaconess insti tution, while other activities, such as the Gustav Adolf-Verein,drew upon his strength. Besides three volumes of sermons (Krefeld, 1851, Bonn, 1860-74), he issued Ernst Moritz Arndt, sin Zeuge für den evan gelischen Glauben (Elberfeld, 1860); Ueber die Prin. zipien der rheinisch-westphdlischen Kirchenordnung (Bonn, 1862); Der Heidelberger Katechismus . . . nebst der Geschichte seines Textes (1864); Konrad von Heresbach und der clev. Hof zu seiner Zeit (Elber feld, 1867); Reformationsgeschichte der Stadt Wesel (Bonn, 1868); Bin. Blatt aus der Geschichte des trueh sess'schen Krieges (1872); Der Abgott zu Halls (1877); and the posthumous Nachgelassene Gedichte (1879).

(K. H. Pahncke.)

Bibliography: W. Beyschlag, Erinnerungen an Albrecht Wolters, Halle, 1880; and the address at the interment, by Pastor Krabb, in %irchl£cher Anzeiger für die evangelischen Gemeinden in Bonn and Umgegend, 1878, no. 15.


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