
WILLEHAD: Bishop of Bremen; b. in Northumberland, probably in the third decade of the eighth century; d. at Blexen (about 60 m. w. of Hamburg) Nov. 8, 789. Of Anglo-Saxon descent [and educated at York under Alcuin], after having been consecrated presbyter he left his native country c. 770 to preach the Gospel to the Frisians. He began his missionary activity at Dokkum, the place where Boniface was slain on June 5, 754, where the population was already half Christian. He preferred to break new ground, however; but on entering the county of Hugmerke in East Frisia, his sermons so aroused the rage of the people that he hardly escaped death. In 780 Charlemagne entrusted him with the promulgation of Christianity and the organization of the Church in the extensive territory of Wigmodia on the Lower Weser where the diocese of Bremen later originated. Willehad was successful, but an insurrection. of Widukind, duke of the Saxons, in 782, halted his progress. Willehad escaped to Frisia, but several of his assistants and friends were killed, while the converts were forced to relinquish the Christian faith. Then Willehad, together with St. Liudger (q.v.), who until that time had labored in Dokkum, undertook a journey to Rome. After his return to Germany, Willehad settled at Echternach near Treves, where he lived the life of a monk, occupied with literary works. After the baptism of Widukind in 785 Willehad resumed his missionary activity at the Lower Wesel. On July 13, 787, he was consecrated bishop, and Bremen became the seat of the bishopric. During his life Willehad was credited with do- I in miracles, and after his death his remains were I believed still to be efficacious in that direction.

(A. Hauck.)

Bibliography: The Vita et miracula by Ansgar was first published, ed. P. Cxsar, at Cologne, 1642, is abbreviated in ASM, iii. 2, pp. 404-418, and in MPL, exviii. 1013-32, better in MGH., Script., ii (1829), 378-390 (Germ. transl., Lebensbeschreibungen des heiligen . . Willehads, Leipsic, 1888); cf. MGH, Script. vii (1846), 267 sqq. Consult: A. Tappehom, Dos Leben des heiligen Willehad, Dolmen, 1901; W. Wright, Biographia Britannia, i. 345-349, London, 1842; G. H. Klippel, Lebembeschreibung des Erzbischofs Ansgar, Bremen, 1845; G. Dehio, Geschichte des Erzbisthums Hamburg-Bremen, i. 51, 53, 55 sqq., vol. iii., Berlin, 1877; A. Ebert, Geschichte der Literatur .des Mittelalters, ii. 340-341, Leipsic, 1880; W. von Bippen, Aus Bremens Vorzeit, pp. 1-14, Bremen, 1885; J. F. Wolf, Sanct Willehad, Breslau, 1889; Rettberg, KD, ii. 450-455, 537; Hauck, KD, ii. 350 sqq.


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