
WHITAKER, OZI WILLIAM: Protestant Episcopalian bishop of Pennsylvania; b, at New Salem, Mass., May 10, 1830; d. at Philadelphia Feb. 9, 1911. He was graduated from Middlebury College, Vt. (A.B., 1856), and from the General Theological Seminary, New York City (1863). He went as a missionary to Nevada and was rector -of St. John's, Gold Hill (1863-65); of St. Paul's, Englewood, N. J. (1865-67); and of St. Pain's, Virginia


City (1867-69). In 1869 he was consecrated missionary bishop of Nevada, serving until he became bishop coadjutor of Pennsylvania in 1886. A year later (1887), on the death of Bishop Stephens, he became bishop of the diocese.

Bibliography: W. S. Perry, The Episcopate in America, p. 201, New York, 1895.

WHITAKER, WILLIAM: Church of England; b. at Holme (19 m. n. of Manchester), England, 1548; d. at Cambridge Dec. 4, 1595. He studied at St. Paul's- school in London, and at Cambridge (B.A., 1568; M.A., 1571; minor fellow, 1569; major fellow, 1571; B.D., Oxford, 1578); became canon of Norwich Cathedral, 1578; regius professor of divinity, 1580; chancellor of St. Paul's, London, 1580; master of St. John's College, 1586; and canon of Canterbury, 1595. He was a man of great learning, stanch in his Protestantism and Calvinism. Most of his works were polemical, among which may be mentioned Disputatio de sacra scripture (Cambridge, 1588; Eng. transl.; A Disputation on Holy Scripture against the Papists, especially Bellarmine and Stapleton, ed. for Parker Society, 1849); Responsionis ad decem illas rationes, quibus fretwo E. Campianus eertamen ecclesice Anglicantr ministrio obtulit in cause fidei . . . (London, 1583; Eng. transl., An Artswere to the Ten Reasons of Edward Campion, the Jesuit, 1606). His Opera were collected and published in 2 vols., Geneva, 1610. See Lambeth Articles.

Bibliography: A Vita by A. Ashton with other biographic material is in the Opera, ut sup., i. 698-716; there is also An Account of the Life and Death . . . in Whitaker's Cygnoa Cantio, London, 1772. Consult further: The Life by Gataker in Fuller's Abel Redxvivus, pp, 401-408, London, 1651; R. Churton, Life of A. Nowell, pp. 325-334, Oxford, 1809; C. H. and T. Cooper, Athens CanUtbrigienses, vol, ii., London, 1861; T. Baker, Hist. of the College of St. John.... Cambridge, ed. J. E. B. Mayor, 2 vols., Cambridge, 1869; W. H. Frere, The English Church (1668-76Q6), pp. 282-283, 342, London, 1904; DNB, lxi. 21-23.


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