
WHITEHEAD, CORTLANDT: Protestant Episcopal bishop of Pittsburg; b. in New York City Oct. 30, 1842. He was graduated from Yale College (A.B., 1863) and the Philadelphia Divinity School (1867); was ordered deacon (1867), and ordained priest (1868); he served as missionary at Blackhawk, Central City, and Georgetown (1867-1870); was rector of the Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem, Pa. (1870-82), and in 1882 he was consecrated bishop of Pittsburg. He has edited Bishop A. C. Coxe's Thoughts on the Services (New York, 1899).

WHITEHOUSE, OWEN CHARLES: English Congregationalist; b. at Palamkotta (5 m. s.e. of Tinnevelli), Tinnevelli, Madras Presidency, India, Nov. 15, 1849. He was educated at University College, London (B.A., University of London, 1870), Cheshunt College, Herts (1872-74), and the University of Bonn (1876-77); was professor of classics and Hebrew in Cheshunt College, Herts (1877-95); principal and professor of Biblical exegesis and theology there (1895-1905). Since 1905, when Cheshunt College was removed to Cambridge, he has been its senior theological tutor. He was a


member of the board of theological studies and of oriental languages in London University in 1901 1906, and examiner on Hebrew in the same institution in 1903-07. " In Old-Testament criticism he accepts the main conclusions of Kuenen and Wellhausen as definitely established, but adopts an attitude of reserve toward more recent theories of Cheyne, Marti, and others; in dogmatic theology he regards with sympathy the views of Ritschl and Hermann; in New-Testament criticism he agrees in the main with Harnack, although adopting a somewhat conservative attitude, regarding with disfavor the conclusions of Schxniedel and Van Manen." Besides contributing the commentary on Isaiah to The Century Bible (1902) and on Ezekiel to The Temple Bible (1905), he has translated E. Schrader's Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Old Testament (London, 1889) and hag written Primer of Hebrew Antiquities (1895).

WHITFIELD, EDWARD ELIHU: Plymouth Brother; b. at Newcastle-upon-Tyne Nov. 5, 1848. He was educated at Oriel College, Oxford (B.A., 1874), and the University of Heidelberg, and after being a private tutor at Oxford, was modern language master at Sir Joseph Williamson's School, Rochester (1889-99), lecturer in the School of Commerce at University College, Liverpool (1899-1901), and modern language master at Rutlish School, Merton, Surrey (1901-04) and King Edward VIL's School, King's Lynn, Norfolk (1904-05). In 1905 he retired from active life. Besides editing J. N. Darby's English version of the Old Testament (4 parts, London, 1883-89) and W. Kelly's expositions of Mark end John (2 vols., 1907-08), he has written Outlines of Old Testament Study, Historical and Critical (1883).


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