

WELTZ, velts, JUSTINIAN, FREIHERR VON: Austrian pioneer advocate of Protestant missions to the heathen and missionary; b. at Chemnitz (38 m. s.w. of Dresden) -1621; d. in Surinam (Dutch Guiana) in 1688. Little is known of his life. He wrote at the age of twenty the tractate De tyrarznorum ingenio et arcanis artibus, discussing the duties of rulers and subjects. In 1663 appeared, Vom Einsiedlerlebezz, wie es nach Gottes Wort xznd der alter heiligen Einsiedlerleben arzzustellen sei, a work inspired with lofty religious and moral earnestness; and his Kurzer Bericlzt, wie ein neue Gesellschaft enter den rechtgluubigen Christen Augsburgischer Koufession aufgerichted werden konrze (1663). His three principal works are: Eire christliche and treuherzige Vernzahnung an alle rechtglaubigen


Since then his fame increased not only because of his services but because of his misfortunes, so that among the Czechs he is to-day, next to St: Nepomuk (see John of Nepomuk), the best beloved of the saints.

(A. Hauck.)

Bibliography: Sources in the shape of the early Vita by Bishop Gumpoldus Mantuanus (967), Passio, and other Vita, are collected in MGH, Script., iv (1841), 211-223, xv. 1 (1887), 572; MPL, cxxxv. 923-42; in Pontes re rum Bohemicarum, ed. F. J. Zoubek, i. 125-190, Prague, 1873; and with commentary in ASB, Sept., vii. 770-844. Further sources are: F. Miklosich and I. Fiedler, Slavi sche Bibliothek, ii. 270-281, Vienna, 1857; AbhandLungen der philosophiack-kistorischen Gessellschaft in Breslau, i (1858), 203-240. Consult: Dobrowaky, Wenzel and Boleslaw, Prague, 1819: F. Palaeky, Geschichte von Bo3c men, i. 195-210, Prague, 1836; E. H. Gillett, Life and Times of John Huns, passim (consult Index under " Wen zel "), Philadelphia, 1861; A. Frind, Ii;irchengeschichte Böhmens, i. 16-19, 40-41, Prague, 1862; H. Friediung, Kaiser Karl IV. und sein Antheil am geistipen Leben seiner Zeit, pp. 150-161, Vienna, 1876; W. VondrS,k, Zur Wür digung der altslovenischen Wenzelslegende, ib. 1892; J. Lippert, Sozialgeschichte Böhmens in vorhussitischer Zeil, 2 vols., Prague, 1896-98; H. G. Voigt, Adalbert von Prague, pp. 8 sqq., Berlin, 1898; idem, Die von . . . Christian verjasste Biographic des h.eiligen Wenzel, Prague, 1907; A. Bachmann, Geschichte Bahmens, i. 121 sqq., Gotha, 1899; H. B. Workman, Dawn of the Reformation, vol, ii. passim (consult Index under " Wenzel "), London, 1902; J. PekAr, Die Wenzels- and Ludmilla-Legenden, Prague, 1905; Hauck, KD, iii. 184 sqq.; Bretholz, in NA, xxix. 480 sqq.


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