
WEBER, SIMON: German Roman Catholic; b. at Bohlingen (a village near Radolfzell, 17 m. n.w. of Constance), Baden, Jan. 1, 1866. He was educated at the University of Freiburg, St. Peter's seminary for priests, Rome, the College of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome, and the Academy of St. Apollinaris, Rome (D.D., Rome, 1894); was vicar of Offenburg, Baden (1891-94); curate at Wollmatingen, Baden (1894-96); privat-docent at the University of Freiburg (I896-98); became associate professor of apologetics in 1898, and of the New Testament in 1908. Besides preparing the fifth edition of C. H. Voaen's Das Christentum und die Einspriiche seiner Gegner (Freiburg, 1905), he has written Jesus taufte, Untersuchung zu Joh. iii. 22 (Offenburg, 1895); Evangelium and Arbeit, Erwagungen caber die wirtsehaftliche Segungen der Lehre Jesu (Freiburg, 1898); Der Gottesbeweis aus der Bewegung bei Thomas von Aquin (1902); Die katholische Kirche in Armenien,, ihre Begriindung and Entwieklung vor der Trennung (1903); Christliche Apologetik in Grundziigen (1907); and Die katholische Kirche die wahre Kirche Christi (1907).

WEBER, VALENTIN: German evangelical; b. at Ascha,ffenburg (22 m. s.e. of Frankfort) Apr. 1, 1858. He received his education at the University of Würzburg, 1877-81; served as chaplain, 1881-86; was prefect at the Julianum of Würzburg, 1886-88; traveled for the next two years, and then was prefect in Aufsees-Seminar at Bamberg; became gymnasial professor at Straubing, 1891; . and took up the duties of his present position as professor of New-Testament exegesis-at the University of Würzburg, 1896. He is the author of Kritische Geschichte der Exegese des 9. Kapitels . . . des Romerbriefes bis auf Chrysostomus and Augustinus (Würzburg, 1889); Die Addressaten des Galaterbriefes. Beweis der reinsitdgalatischen Theorie (Ravensburg, 1900); Die Abfassung des Galaterbriefs vor dem Apostelkonzil. Grundlegende Untersuchungen zicr Geschichte des Urehristentums and des Lebens Pauli (1900); and a commentary on the epistle to the Galatians (1901).

WEDDING CUSTOMS. See Marriage, I., § 11.

WEED, EDWIN GARDNER: Protestant Episcopal bishop of Florida; b. at Savannah, Ga., July 23, 1847. He was educated at the University of Georgia and the University of Berlin, after which he was graduated from the General Theological Seminary in 1870. He was ordered deacon in the same year and was advanced to the priesthood in 1871; was rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Summerville, Ga., until 1886, when he was consecrated bishop of Florida:

Bibliography: W. 8. Perry, The Episcopate in America, p. 295, New York, 1895.


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