
WALDO, PETER. See Waldenses.

WALKER, CORNELIUS: Protestant Episcopalian; b. near Richmond, Va., June 12, 1819; d. at Washington, D. C., Jan. 23, 1907. He was educated at Richmond Episcopal High School and the Alexandria Theological Seminary, and was ordered deacon in 1845 and ordained priest in the following year; was minister and rector at Amherst Court House, Va. (1845-47); curate at St. Paul's, Richmond( 1847-1848); rector at Winchester, Va. (1848-60), Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. (1860-61), and Emmanuel, Henrico, Va. (1862-66); professor of church history in Virginia Theological Seminary (1866-76); and professor of systematic theology and homiletics in the same institution (1876-98), where he was also dean. In theology he was an old-school evangelical Churchman, and wrote Biography of Rev. William Duval (Richmond, 1854); Biography of Rev. William Sparrow (Philadelphia, 1877); Biography of Charles W. Andrews (1877); Sorrowing not without Hope (sermons; New York,1887); Outlines of Christian Theology (1894); and Lectures on Christian Ethics (1896).

WALKER, GEORGE LEON: Congregationalist; b. at Rutland, Vt., Apr. 30, 1830; d. at Hartford Mar. 14, 1900. He studied law in Boston, Mass., intending to devote himself to legal practise. Led to prefer the ministry, he studied theology with his father, and at Andover Theological Seminary (1857-1858); was pastor of State Street Church, Portland, Me. (1858-67); First Church, New Haven, Conn. (1868-73): was acting pastor at Brattleboro, Vt.


(1875-78); and pastor of the First Church, Hartford, from 1879, being made emeritus in 1892. He was a corporate member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions after 1877, and was on the commission to prepare the Congregational creed (1883). He wrote: False Ideas of God (1881; three sermons); History of the First Church in Hartford, 1633-1883 (Hartford, 1884); Thomas Hooker, Preacher, Founder, Democrat (New York, 1891); Same Aspects of the Religious Life of New England (1897; Carew lectures); edited Diary of Rev. Daniel Wadsworth, with Notes (1894); and issued a large number of individual sermons.

Bibliography: Congregational Year Book, pp. 4b-.46,LBoa ton,1901.


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