

German Lutheran; b. at Dresden Mar. 10, 1822; d. at Vienna Sept. il, 1890. Completing his education at Leipsic in 1844, he taught for two years at Dresden, and then studied for a semester at Berlin, after which he returned to Dresden, teaching there for another two years, besides being tutor to Prince Theodore of Thurn and Taxis; he studied again at Jena in 1848, and a final year at Berlin, becoming in 1850 privat-docent at Jena. Four years later appeared his chief work, Ratherius von Verona und das zehnte Jahrhundert (2 vols., Jena, 1854), which gained him in 1856 the appointment of associate professor, when he lectured on church history and on the New Testament; in 1861 he became professor of New-Testament exegesis in the Protestant theological faculty at Vienna, where, however, relations were less satisfactory than he had hoped. As a delegate of the faculty he was present at the jubilee of the University of Bonn in 1868, and in 1871 and 1877 he attended the general synods, and was otherwise active in church work. In 1871 he was dean of his faculty, and in his closing years (1887-90) was president. of the board of examiners for Protestant theological candidates.

Vogel found his chief delight in works of practical piety. For a time he was interested in the thankless task of Jewish missions in Vienna, and after 1883 was active in conducting a Sunday-school founded by his wife at their home. He was also chairman for a time of the Lower Austrian section of the Gustavus Adolphus association, and established the women's branch of this organization, introducing deaconesses into the Austrian capital. Besides the work already mentioned, and a collection of sermons (Weimar, 1859), mention may be made of his Peter Damiani (Gotha, 1856); Der Kaiser Diokletian (1857); and Beiträge zur Herstellureg der altere lateinischen Bibeliibersetzung (1868).

(Georg Loesche.)

Bibliography: J. Giiather, Lebensskizzen der Profesaoren der Un%veraitaE Jena, p, 46, Jena, 1858; the funeral oration by A. Formey, Vienna, 1890; Evangelische Kirchenzeitung für Oesterreich, 1890, pp. 31213; ADB, sl. 94.


German Reformer; b. at Hall (35 m. n.e. of Stuttgart) Mar. 11, 1487; d. at Feuchtwangen (26 m. e. of Hall) Jan. 18, 1539. In 1517 he became vicar at the collegiate church in Feuchtwangen, where he was the only one of the staff who dared to remain when the Peasants' War raged in the vicinity of the city in 1525. In the following year he was deprived of his benefices for his maintenance of Protestant teachings, and was forced to support himself by manual labor and as a notary. When, in 1528, Margrave George the Pious introduced Protestantism in his principalities of Brandenburg, Ansbach, and Brandenburg-Kulmbach, Vogtherr was appointed to the collegiate staff in Feuchtwangen, where he became municipal pastor and superintendent in 1535.

(F. Vogtherr.)


Bibliography: C. F. Jacobi, Geschichte der BtadE and des . . 3tiJta Feuchtwanpen, Nuremberg, 1833; A. 3teichele, Dae Biatum Augsburg, iii. 381 sqq., Augsburg, 1872; K. $obornbaum, 3tellung des MarkpraJen %aaimir von Brandenburp scar reformatorischen Bewepung, passim, Nuremberg, 1900; F. Vogtherr Geschichte der FamiZie Voptheir, pp. 23-43, Anabach, 1908.


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