
VOYSEY, CHARLES: English theist; b. in London Mar. 18, 1828. lie was educated at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford (B.A., 1851), and was Church of England curate at Hessle, Yorkshire (I851-58), incumbent ' of Craighton, St. Andrews, Jamaica (1858-60), and curate of Great Yarmouth (1860-1861), and of St. Mark's, Whitechapel (1861-63). He had already manifested a change of theological position, however, and in 1863 was ejected from the curacy of St. Mark's for denying the doctrine of eternal punishment. In the following year, after being for a few months curate of Victoria Dock Church, North Woolwich, he became curate of Healaugh, Yorkshire, where he remained seven years (1864-71). Here again his unorthodox views involved him in difficulties, and in 1871, after a legal contest of two years, in which the case was brought before the judicial committee .of the privy council, he was deprived of his living for his sermon entitled Zs every Statement of the Bible about our Heavenly Father strictly True e (preached in 1865). He then founded the Theistic Church in London, of which he is still the head. He has written The Sling and the Stone (collections of his weekly sermons; 10 vols., London, 1872-93); The Mystery of Pain, Death, and Sin (1878); Lectures on the Bible, and the Theistic Faith and its Foundations (1881); Theism, or, the Religion of Common Sense (1894); Theism as a Science of Natural Theology and Natural Religion (1895); Testimony of the Four Gospels concerning Jesus Christ

(1896); and Religion for all Mankind (1903).

VULGATE. See Bible Versions, A, II., 2.



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