
VETTER, fetter, PAUL: German Roman Catholic; b. at Oberdettingen (a village near Biberach, 23 m. s.s.w. of Ulm), Württemberg, July 14, 1850; d. at Tübingen Sept. 21, 1906. He was educated at the University of Tübingen (Ph.D., 1872), and, after being lecturer at the Wilhelmstift in Tübingen and parish priest at Weiler, near Rothenburg, was in charge of the courses in Old-Testament exegesis in the Roman Catholic faculty of the University of Tübingen (1890-93), being professor of the same subject there after 1893. He wrote Chosrote Magrti explicatio preeum missae a lingua Armeniaea in Latinam versa (Freiburg, 1880); Der apokryphe dritEe Korintherbrief (Tübingen, 1894); and Metrik des Buches Job (Freiburg, 1897).

VEUSTER, vu-ste', JOSEPH DE (better known as FATHER DAMIEN): Roman Catholic; b. at Tremeloo (16 m. n.e. of Brussels), Belgium; d. on the island of Molokai, Hawaii, Apr. 5, 1888. He became a novice of the order of the Fathers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary in 1858 and was admitted in 1860. In 1863 he was sent as its missionary to Hawaii and was there ordained a priest in 1864. He served on the islands of Hawaii and Molokai, and when the government segregated the lepers on the latter island he chose to live in the leper settlement, and acted not only as priest but as nurse, and in these services displayed both courage and devotion. He began this life in 1873 and remained immune to the disease until 1888, when he contracted it and soon died of it.

Bibliography: Auguste Pamphile de Veuster, Life and Letters of Father Damien, the Apostle of the Leper's. Edited with Introduction by his Brother, Father Pamphile, London, 1889; E. Clifford, Father Damien, 1889; Frances E. Cooke, The Story of Father Damien, 1889; Eugene Hubert, Hommage national au Pyre Damien, Le Pere Damien, l'ap&tre belye des lepreux de Molokai, Louvain, 1889; Pauline Craven (Mme. A. Craven), Le Pere Damien, Paris, 1890, 5th ed., 1899; R. Butaye, Levers van Pader Damiaan, Brugge, 1890; H. H. L auscher, Pater Damiaan. Naar het Fransch vertaald, met notas des Vertalers, Diest, 1890; R. L. Stevenson, Father Damien, an open Letter to the Rev. Dr. Hyde of Honolulu, Sydney, 1890, London, 1890; Pater Damien, der Held von Molokai, Freiburg, 1891, 2d ed., 1899; H. F., Pater Damiaan, de Apostel der Melaatschen, Ghent, 1895; C. W. Stoddard, Father Damien, the Martyr of Molokai, San Francisco 1901; Pere Tauvel, Father Damien, translated from the French, London, new ed., 1904; Miss M. Quinlan, Damien of Molokai, London, 1909.


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