
VEDANTA: A school of Indian philosophy. See India, I., 1, § 2.

VEDANTA SOCIETY. See Miscellaneous Religious Bodies, 23.

VEDAS. See Brahmanism I., §§ 2-4.

VEDDER, HENRY CLAY: Baptist; b. at De Ruyter, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1853. He was educated at the University of Rochester (A.B., 1873) -and at the. Rochester Theological Seminary (graduated, 1876); was a member of the editorial staff of The Examiner (1876-92); also editor of the Baptist Quarterly Review (188rr92); editor in chief of The Examiner (1892-94); and since 1894 has been professor of church history in Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester, Pa. He has written Baptists and Liberty of Conscience (Cincinnati, 1885); A Short History of the Baptists (Philadelphia, 1891); The Dawn of Christianity (Philadelphia, 1894); Talks with Baptist Young People (1895); American Writers of To-day (New York, 1894; new ed., 1910); A History of the Baptists of the Middle States (Philadelphia, 1898); The Baptists (New York, 1903) ; Balthasar Hübmaier, the Leader of the Anabaptists (1905); Short History of the Baptists (Philadelphia,


1907); Christian Epoch Makers: Story of the great Missionary Eras (1908); and Church History Handbooks (4 vols., 1909-10).

VEESENMEYER, f5'zen-mai"er, GEORG: German Lutheran; b. at Ulm Nov. 20, 1780; d. there Apr. 6, 1832. He was educated in his native city, where he early manifested his interest in the history of the Reformation period, and at the University of Altdorf (1786-89), where he became an instructor in 1790. In October of 1791 he returned to Ulm as a candidate for a gymnasia) position, which he gained the next year, and in Feb., 1793, was made professor of rhetoric, which position he held, occasionally assisting as a preacher, until his retirement from active life in 1826, after which he still served his city as municipal librarian. In the theological controversies of his time Veeaenmeyer took no part. His mind was essentially that of the historian and of the patient investigator of the less-known facts and characters of the period of the Reformation.

The writings of Yeesenmeyer, though extremely numerous, are mostly of brief compass. Many of them are concerned with the local history of Ulm, and others deal with classical problems. Omitting the latter, his writings of chief theological interest are as follows:

Particula annalium manuacrdptorum inedita (a portion of Melanchthon's annals on the Peasants' War; Altdorf, 1788); De vseaasitudinibus doctrines de sancta cams in ecclesia Ulmensi (1789); De recto et vario histories reformat%on%a aacrorum usu (1790); Beiträge zur Geschichte der Ldtterotur and Reformation (Ulm, 1792); Verauch etner Geschichte der Beichte in der uimischen Ifirche (1792); Nachricht van Hans Jacob Wehe, eratem evangelischen Pfarrer an Leipheim (1794); Nachricht von Conrad Sams, des ersten ordentlich berufenen Ulmiscleen Reformatora, Leben, Verdienaten and Sclariften (1795); Couectaneen -von Melanchthona Verhdtltruaaen, in welchen er miE den Ulmern stand (1797); Von dem ehemalipen AuJenthalle der Juden in Ulm (1797); De Ulmensx3ua Eraami amicia (1797-98); Nachricht von Ulrich %rafta Leben (1802); Verauch einer Geschichte den ulmischen Hatechiamaa (3 parts, 1803-05); Verauch einer Geschichte den ehemalapen Dominikanerklostera in Ulm (1803); Nachrdcht von Lorenz Walter Xflchel (1808); De Johanne Boemo Aubano (1808); Veraucla von Annalen den ehemalipen Franztakanerkloatera in Ulm (1807); De achola Latina Ulmana ante et sub Reformataonis sacrorum tempos (1817); Litterarische Nachricht von Luthera Schriften, die Empfehlung den Schulweaena betreffend (Stuttgart, 1819); Litterargeschichte der Briefsammlungen and einiger Schriften von Dr. Martin Luther (Berlin, 1821); Sammlung von Aufaatzen our Erldtuterung der HirchenlitEeratur-, Manz- and Sitlengeschichte benondera des aechzehnten Jahrhunderts (Ulm, 1827); Litterariach-bibliographische Nachrichten von einige» evangelischen katechetischen Schriften and Ifatechismen vor and reach Luthers Batechismen (1830); and Kleine Beiträge zur Geschichte den Reichstaga zu Augsburg 1650 und der Augaburgischen Honfeaaion (Nuremberg, 1830).

(T. Kolde.)


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