

German Lutheran and founder of the Deutsche Christentumsgesellschaft (see Christentumsgesellschaft, Die Deutsche); b. at Augsburg Nov. 25, 1728; d. at Hamburg Dec. 1, 1806. He was educated at the universities of Tübingen (1747-50) and Halle (1751-54); traveled for a year, became assistant to his father, Samuel Urlsperger (q.v.), at Augsburg, and rose to be first pastor there, retiring in 1776 because of illness. In spite of the pressure of pastoral duties, he devoted himself all his life to the demonstration that comprehension of the Trinity is the key to the comprehension of the entire Christian religion. In the course of his studies and sermons he became convinced, in 1767, that Col. ii. 2-3 contained the key of all knowledge, and between 1769 and 1777 he published seven large treatises on the being of God, in which, without any tendency to Sabellianism, he sought to escape the Athanasian confusion of the Trinity of the divine essence with the Trinity of revelation. Though his sole object in setting forth his doctrines of the Trinity teas to reestablish the old dogma and to defend it against frivolous attacks of the neologiGal school, Urlsperger was sharply criticized, only to be completely vindicated on appeal to the University of Tübingen. In his teaching he distinguished sharply between the Trinity of essence and the Trinity of revelation. Such concepts as procession appertain to the latter, not to the former; and in like manner, although, absolutely speaking, there can be in the triune nature of God no first and no last person, nor any which can be considered the origin of deity, there is, in the Trinity of revelation, a distinct subordination of the Son and the Holy


Early Hist. of the University of Virginia, Richmond, 1856; H. M. Fisher, Hist. of Westminster College . . to 1905, ed. J. J. Price, Columbia. Mo., 1903; A. L. Chapin, Historical Sketches of the Colleges of Wisconsin, Madison, 1876; F. B. Dexter, Sketch of the Hist. of Yale University, New York, 1887; H. A. Brann, History of the American College of the Roman Catholic Church of the U. S., ib. 1910.

For Germany consult: A. Tholuck, Das akademische Leben des 17. Jahrhunderts, 2 parts, Halle, 1853-54; P. Schaff, Germany, its Universities, Theology, and Religion, Philadelphia, 1857; F. Zarncke. Die deutschen Univerait&ten im Mittelalter, Leipsic, 1857; O. Dolch, Geschichte des deutschen Studententums, ib. 1858; K. yon Raumer, Geschichte den PZidapopik, vol. iv., 4 parts, 4th ed., Gütersloh, 1872; M. Arnold, Higher Schools and Universities in Germany, London, 1874; J. M. Heart, German Universities, New York, 1874; J. Conrad, The German Universities, Glasgow, 1885; C. M. Thorden, Under the Shade of German Universities, Upsala, 1883; L. Canon, L'A;lemapne universitaire, Amiens, 1886; G. Kaufmann, Geschichte den deutschen UriiveraiE6ten, 2 vols., Stuttgart, 1888-98; F. Paulsen, Geschichte des pelehrten Unterrichta auf den deutschen Schulen and Universitaten, 2 vols., Leipsic, 1896-97; idem, Die deutschen UniveraitMen, Berlin, 1902, Eng. transl., German Universities, New York, 1906; W. Lexis, Die Universilaten im deutschen Reich, Berlin, 1904; E. Dreyfus-Brisac L' Univerailk de Bonn, Paris, 1879; J. G. L. Kosegarten, Geschichte den Universitiit Greifawald, 2 parts, Leipsic, 1857; J. F. Hautz, Geschichte den Universitat Heidelberg, 2 vols., Mannheim, 1882-84; E. Winkelmann, Urkundenbuch den Univerait&t Heidelberp, Heidelberg, 1888; J. Probst, Geschichte den UniversiElit in Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 1869; F. Zarncke, Urkundliche Quellen zur Geschichte den Universilat Leipzigs, 2 vols., Leipsic. 1857; K. yon Prantl, Geschichte den LudwipMaximilians-UniveraitaE, 2 vols. Munich, 1872; F. K. T. Piderit. Geschichte den hessisch-sehaumburpischen UniversitAt Rinleln, Marburg, 1842; O. Krabbe, Die Univeraitht Rostock im xv. and xvi. Jahrhundert, 2 vols., Rostock, 1858; K. Kliipfel, Geschichte und Beschreibung den Universitat Tübingen, Tübingen, 1849; F. X. Wegele. Geschichte den Universittit Würzburg, 2 vols., Würzburg, 1882.

For France consult: P_ Beauseire, L'Universitk sour la troisQme république, Paris, 1884; M. Fournier, Les Statute et priviMpes des universit6a franCaisea, 3 vols., Paris, 189P-92; C. Du Soulay, Historia Univerailatis Parisiensie, ib. 1665; E. Dubarle, Hist de l'universite de Parts, 2 vols., ib. 1844; C. Thurot, De, forpanization et l'enseipnement daps L'universitk de Paris, ib. 1850; H. Denifle and A. Chatelain, Chartularium UniveraitaEis Parisiensis, 4 vols. ib. 1889-97; L. Liard, L' University de Paris, 2 vols., ib. 1909; MGH, Leper, ii. 114, cf. D. C. Munro in University of Pennsylvania Translations and Reprints, ii. no. 3, pp. 2-7 (on the University of Paris); A. Lefranc, Hist. du Coll9pe de France, Paris 1892; L. Legrand, L' Universite de Douai, Douay, 1888.

On other countries: F yon Krones, Geschichte den . .

Universilat in Graz, Graz, 1888; W. W. Tomek, Geschichte den Prager Universilkt, Prague, 1849; R. Kink, Geschichte den . . . Universitat zu Wien, 2 vols., Vienna, 1854; J. yon Asehlbach Geschichte den Wiener Universitdt, 3 vols., ib. 1889; R. A. Renvall, Finlands UniversiteE, Helaingfory, 1891; J. Kirkpatrick, The University of Bologna, London, 1888; V. de la Fuente, Historia de las Univeraidades . . en Espana, 2 vols., Madrid, 1884-85; G. Reynier, La Vie universitaire dans Z'ancienne Espagne, ib. 1902; W. Vischer, Geschichte den Univeraitrit Basel, Basel, 1860; H. Mayer, Geschichte den Universitat Freiburg, Bonn, 1892; C. Borgeaud, Histoire de l'universitk de Ge»we. L'Acadgmie de Calvin Bans l'universitk de Napdkote 1798-181/,, Geneva, 1909.


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