
TRENCH, RICHARD CHENEVIX: Archbishop of Dublin, Church of Ireland; b. in Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 5 (9?), 1807; d. in London Mar. 28, 1886. He studied at the schools of Twyford and Harrow, and at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A., 1829; M.A., 1833; B.D., 1850); traveled in Spain, 1830; was ordained deacon, 1832; became curate to H. J. Rose at Hadleigh, Suffolk, 1833; at Colchester, 1834, then going to Italy; returning, he was ordained priest, 1835; became curate of Curdridge, Hampshire, 1835; and of Alverstoke, 1841; became rector of Itchinstoke, Hants, 1844; examining chaplain to Bishop Wilberforce of Oxford, 1845; was Hulsean lecturer at Cambridge, 1845-46; professor of divinity at King's College, 1846-54; professor of exegesis of the New Testament, 1854-58; dean of Westminster, 1856-64; and archbishop of Dublin, 1864-84. He was a devout and conservative High-churchman of the best type, but his theological writings were free from sectional bias. He threw the weight of his influence against disestablishment. As a writer, he showed choice Biblical, patristic, and modern Anglo-German learning, original thought, and a reverential and truly Christian spirit. His repute in philology equaled that in Biblical criticism. Outside of numerous individual and collected sermons, he was the author of Notes on the Parables of our Lord (London, 1841, and often); Genoveva; a Poem (1842); Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount . . . from . . . St. Augustine (1844); The Fitness of Holy Scripture for Unfolding the Spiritual Life of Men (Hulsean Lectures for 1845; Cambridge, 1845); Christ the Desire of all Nations, or the Unconscious Prophecies of Heathendom (Hulsean Lectures for 1846; 1846); Notes on the Miracles of our Lord (London, 1846 and often); Sacred Latin Poetry (1849); On the Study of Words (Five Lectures; 1851, and often); On the Lessons in Proverbs (Five Lectures; 1853, and often); Synonyms of the New Testament (Cambridge, 1854, and often); Commentary on the Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia. Revelation i.-iii. (London, 1861); Studies in the Gospels (1867); Plutarch; his Life, Lives, and Morals (1873); Lectures on Mediæval Church History (1877); Poems (new ed., 2 vols., 1885); and edited a Household Book of English Poetry (1868).

Bibliography: Letters and Memorials of Archbishop Trench, 2 vols., London, 1888; J. Silvester, Archbishop Trench . . . . . . a Sketch of his Life and Character, ib. 1891; DNB, lvii. 191-194.

TRENKLE, FRANZ SALES: German Roman Catholic; b. at Waldkirch (9 m. n.n.e. of Freiburg) Jan. 26, 1860. He was educated at the universities of Freiburg (1879-82) and Heidelberg (1884-85; D.D., Freiburg, 1886); became privat-docent at Freiburg for New-Testament exegesis, 1868; and associate professor of the same subject, 1894. He has written a novel, Willa von Waldkirch (under the pseudonym of Fritz Frei; Heidelberg, 1900); a commentary on James (Freiburg, 1894); and Einleitung in das Neue Testament (1897).


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