Showing 190 terms beginning with R.
- Raamah
- Raamses
- Rabanus, Maurus
- Rabaut, Jean Paul
- Rabaut, Paul
- Rabaut, Pierre
- Rabaut-Pommier, Jacques-Antoine
- Rabbinic Bibles
- Rabbinism
- Rabbula
- Rabergh, Herman
- Pacovian Catechism
- Radbertus, Paschasius
- Rade, Paul Martin
- Radewyns, Florentius
- Raebiger, Julius Ferdinand
- Raffles, Thomas
- Ragg, Lonsdale
- Rahab
- Rahlfs, Otto Gustav Alfred
- Rahtman, Hermann
- Raikes, Robert
- Raimundus, De Sabunde
- Rainolds, John
- Rainsford, William Stephen
- Rainy, Robert
- Raleigh, Alexander
- Ramabai, Sarasvati
- Ramadan
- Ramanuja
- Rambach
- Ramman
- Rammohan Roy
- Rampolla, Del Tindaro, Mariano
- Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell
- Ramus, Petrus
- Rancé, Armand Louis Le Bouthillier de
- Rand, William Wilberforce
- Randall, Richard William
- Randolph, alfred Magill
- Randolph, Berkeley William
- Ranke, Ernst Konstantin
- Rankin, Thomas
- Ranters
- Raphael
- Raphael Bible
- Rapp, Johann Georg
- Rashdall, Hastings
- Rashi
- Raskolniks
- Rasle, Sébastien
- Rasmussen, Christian Vilhelm
- Ratherrius
- Rational
- Rationalism and Supernaturalism
- Ratramnus
- Ratzeberger
- Ratzeberg, Bishopric of
- Rauch, Frederick Augustus
- Rauhes Haus
- Rauschen, Gerhard
- Rauschenbusch, Augustus
- Rauschenbusch, Walter
- Rautenberg, Johann Wilhelm
- Rautenstrauch, Franz Stephan
- Rauwenhoff, Lodewijk Willem Ernst
- Ravenna
- Ravignan, Gustave François Xavier de la Croix de
- Rawlinson, George
- Rawnsley, Hardwicke Drummond
- Raymond, Martini
- Raymond, Miner
- Raymond, Saint of Pennaforte
- Raymundus Lullus
- Raynaldus, Odericus
- Reader
- Realism
- Real Presence
- Rebekah Bible
- Rechabites
- Recluse
- Recollect
- Reconcilliation
- Recusant
- Red Cross Society
- Red Sea, The
- Redeemer, Order of the
- Redemption
- Redemptorists
- Reden, Frederica, Countess of
- Redenbacher, Christian Wilhelm Adolf
- Redpath, Henry Aderey
- Reed, Andrew
- Reed, Richard Clark
- Reese, Frederick Focke
- Reeve, John
- Reformation
- Reformation, Celebration of
- Reformed Catholics
- Reformed Church in America
- Reformed Church, Christian
- Reformed Cistercians
- Reformed Covenanted Presbyterians
- Reformed (Dutch) Church
- Reformed Episcopalians
- Reformed (German) Church in the United States
- Reformed (Hungarian) Church in America
- Reformed League for Germany
- Reformed Presbyterians
- Reformed synod of the South Associate
- Regale
- Regeneration
- Regensburg, Bishopric of
- Regensburg Book
- Regensburg, Conference of
- Regino
- Regionarius
- Regula Fidei
- Regulars
- Rehoboam
- Reichel, Oswald, Joseph
- Reid, Henry Martyn Beckwith
- Reid, John Morrison
- Reid, Thomas
- Reid, Willam James
- Reiff, Leonhard
- Reihing, Jakob
- Reimarus, Hermann Samuel
- Reims New Testament
- Reineccius, Jakob
- Reinhard, Franz Volkmar
- Reinkens, Joseph Hubert
- Reischle, Max Wilhelm Theodore
- Reitz, Johann Heinrich
- Reland, Adrian
- Relic
- Relief Act
- Relief Synod
- Religion and Literature
- Religion, Philosophy of
- Religion, Primitive
- Religions Corporations in the United States
- Religious Dramas
- Religious Education Association
- Religious Liberty
- Religous Pedagogy, Hartford School of
- Religious Tract Society
- Relly, James
- Remensnyder, Junius Benjamin
- Remigius of Auxerre
- Remigius of Lyons
- Remigius of Reims
- Remonstrants
- Remphan
- Renan, Joseph Ernst
- Renata of Ferrara
- Renato, Camillo
- Renaudot, Eusèbe
- Rendal, Gerald Henry
- Rendtorff, Franz
- Renée of France
- Renewal
- Renouf, Peter Le Page
- Renunciation of the Devil in the Baptismal Rite
- Renz, Franz
- Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
- Repentance
- Rephaim
- Repington, Philip
- Reprobation
- Republican Methodists
- Requiem
- Resch, Alfred
- Reservation, Ecclesiastical
- Reservation, Mental
- Reservation, Papal
- Reservation of the Sacrament
- Reserved Cases
- Residence
- Respighi, Pietro
- Responses
- Restarick, Henry Bond
- Restitution, Edict of
- Restoration
- Resurection of the Dead
- Retabulum
- Rettberg, Friedrich Wilhelm
- Rettig, Christian Michael
- Rueblin, (Roeubli, Raebl), Wilhelm
- Reuchlin, Johannes