Rendal, Gerald Henry
RENDALL, GERALD HENRY: Church of England; b. at Harrow (10 m. n.w. of
London) Jan. 25, 1851. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A., 1874;
fellow, 1875; M.A., 1877; B.D., 1909), where he was fellow and assistant tutor until
1880; was made deacon, 1898, and priest, 1899; was lecturer and assistant tutor
at Trinity College, Cambridge (1875–80); was principal and Gladstone professor of
Greek at University College, Liverpool (1881–98); vice-chancellor of Victoria University
(1890–94); a member of the Gresham University Committee (1892–93); and Lady Margaret
preacher at Cambridge, 1901. Since 1898 he has been head master of the Charterhouse
School. In theology he is a liberal Anglican. He prepared an edition, translation,
and commentary of the Epistle of Barnabas for W. Cunningham's Dissertation on
the Epistle of Saint Barnabas (2 parts, London, 1877) and the life of Pliny
for J. E. B. Mayor's edition of the third book of the Epistolæ (1880), besides
translating the "Meditations" of Marcus Aurelius (1898); and has written The
Emperor Julian, Paganism, and Christianity (Cambridge, 1879) The Cradle of
the Aryans (London, 1889); and The Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians:
a Study personal and historical of the Date and Composition of the Epistles