
« Potts, George Poulsen, Alfred Sveistrup Pouring »

Poulsen, Alfred Sveistrup

POULSEN, ALFRED SVEISTRUP: Danish bishop; b. in Roskilde (18 m. w. of Copenhagen) Jan. 14, 1854. He was educated at Roskilde School (B.A., 1871) and at the University of Copenhagen (candidate in theology, 1878); after traveling abroad he was appointed minister at St. Hans Hospital and assistant to the provost of the cathedral of Roskilde; was made court preacher in Copenhagen (1883); provost of the cathedral of Roskilde (1896); bishop in Viborg (1901). For several years he was privat-docent in the university of Copenhagen; was made secretary of the Danish Bible Society (1885); president of the Danish mission to the Jews (1890). In collaboration with Professor Ussing he published a revised translation of the New Testament (1895; 2d ed., 1897). Some of his works are Fra Gethsemane til Emmaus, Faste- og Festprädikener (1889); Fra Kampen om Mosebögerne (1890); Philip Melanchthon i Aaret 1521 (1897); Det nye Testaments Opfattelse af den christelige Fuldkommenhed (1899); Prädikener holdte i Roskilde Domkirke (1901); Prädikener holdte i Christiansborg Slotskirke (1896); Moses. Udlägningsbetragtninger (1903).

John O. Evjen.

« Potts, George Poulsen, Alfred Sveistrup Pouring »
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