Pfeilschifter, Georg
PFEILSCHIFTER, pfāil´shift-er, GEORG: German Roman Catholic; b.
at Mering (7 m. s.e. of Augsburg), Upper Bavaria, May 13, 1870. He was educated
at the universities of Munich (1889–93, 1894–99; D.D., 1897) and Vienna (1899),
interrupting his studies to make a five months' tour of Italy in 1897. In 1900 he
became privat-docent for church history at the University of Munich, but in the
same year accepted a call to the Lyceum of Freising as associate professor of church
history and patristics. Since 1903 he has been professor of church history in the
University of Freiburg. He has written Der Ostgotenkönig Theoderich der Grosse
und die katholische Kirche (Münster, 1896); Die authentische Ausgabe der
vierzig Evangelienhomilien Gregors des Grossen, ein erster Beitrag zur Geschichte
der Ueberlieferung (Munich, 1900); and Zur Entstehung der Allegorie room
mystischen Gotteswagen bei Dante Purgatorio (Freiburg, 1904).