
7. Value of the Coins

a household priest in ancient times (Judges xvii. 10). companion of Tobias received "a drachma a day." In the time of Christ the usual day's hire was a dena rius. Unfortunately, however, there is no knowledge of the most important item, namely, the cost of living.

I. Benzinger.

Bibliography: T. E. Mionnet~ Description de medailles antiques, Vol. v., supplement vol. Viii., Paris, 1811, 1837; A. BO" UnterauAungen aber Geschichte, Mnncfaess, and Masse den Altertums, Berlin, 1838; M. A. Levy, Geschichte der ffidiackatt Munsen. Breslau, 1862; B. Zuckermann, Tahnudische tismichta and Miansen, ib. 1862; J. Brandis, Das Milne-, Mass-, and Geschichtseysfm in Vorde~ Berlin 1868 C. . King, Early Christian Numismatics, London, 1873; F. de Saulcy, Numismatique do la tsrre saints, ans, 1874; F. W. Madden. Coins of as Jews, London, 1881 (authoritative); T. Reinaah, Les -Monnaies iuives, Paris, 1887; F. Friedeneburg. Die Mfnsa in der Kulturgeschichte, Berlin. 1909; Benzinger, Archäologie, pp.196-204; Nowack Archäologie, i. 209-213; C. W. Johns, in Expositor, Nov, 1899; Soh(krer, tlescAic>de, and Eng. transl., consult the Indexes (eaoeedingly full); DB, iii. 417-432 (highly valuable); BE, iv. 4442-47.


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