
MILLER, SAMUEL: Presbyterian; b. near Dover, Del., Oct. 31, 1769; d. at Princeton, N. J., Jan. 7, 1850. He was graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, 1789, and was associate pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, New York City, 179$-1813, and professor of ecclesiastical history and church government in the Princeton Theological Seminary, 1813-49. He was a stanch Calvinist and entered heartily into the defense of his positions. He was particularly prominent in the discussions which led to the disruption of the Presbyterian Church in 1837. He wrote, besides minor publications: A Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century (2 vols., New York, 1803; 2d ed., 3 vols., 1805); Constitution arid Order of the Christian Ministry (1807), with Continuation (1809); Memoirs of Rev. John Rodgers (1809); Clerical Manners and Habits (Philadelphia, 1827); Ofce of Ruling Elder (New York, 1831); Infant Baptism (1834); Presbyterianism the Truly Primitive and Apostolieal Constitution of the Church of Christ (Philadelphia, 1835); Life of Jonathan Edwards, in J. Sparks' Library of American Biography (vol. viii., 10 vols., 1834-38); and The Primitive and Apostolic Order of Christ Vindicated (1840).

Bibliography: 8. Miller Life of Rev. Samuel Miller, 2 vols., Philadelphia, 1869; 1. W. Riley. American Philosophy, 00 RAY Sdaois, pp. 5M-519, New York, 1907.

MILLER, WILLIAM: Founder of the Adventist denomination; b. at Pittafield, Mass., Feb. 15, 1782; d, at Low Hampton, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1849. He had no educational facilities except his own reading, and was a farmer by occupation. In the war of 1812 he served as a captain of volunteers. At first a skeptic through reading the works of Hume, Voltaire, and Paine, in 1816 he was converted, joining the Baptist Church at Low Hampton, and became a diligent student of the Bible. In 1831 he believed that he had discovered the key to Daniel's prophecies and, predicting that the end of the world was at hand, founded the met of the Adventists (q.v.).

Bibliography: 8. Bliss, Memoirs of William Miller, Boston, 1853; J. White, Life of William Miller, Battle Creek, Mich., 1875.


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