
3. Macarius Magnes: Probably to be identified with the bishop of Magnesia who, at the Synod of the Oak in 403, brought charges against Heraclides, bishop of Ephesus, the friend of Chrysostom (see Chrysostom, § 4). He seems to have been the author of an apology against a Neo-Platonic philosopher of the early part of the fourth century, contained in a manuscript of the fifteenth century discovered at Athens in 1867 and edited by C. Blondel (Paris, 1876). This work agrees in its dogmatics with Gregory of Nyssa, and is valuable on account of the numerous excerpts from the writings of the opponent of Macarius. These fragments are apparently drawn from the lost "Words against the Christians" of Porphyry or from the "Truth-Loving Words" of Hierocles. Like Macarius the Younger, this Macarius is frequently confused with Macarius the Egyptian.

4. Macarius of Jerusalem: A bishop who took part in the Council of Nicaea and also received a long letter from Constantine the Great with reference to the building of the Church of the Redeemer at Jerusalem. Of his life no details are known.

(O. Zöckler.)

Bibliography: 1. The Opera are in MPL, xxxiv. 409-622; a Germ. transl. in 2 vols. appeared at Sulsbach, 1839; fifty Homiliae were edited by J. G. Pritius, Leipsic, 1598: and H. J. Floss issued Epistolae, homiliarum loci, preces, Cologne, 1850, and Zwei Fragmente des heiligen Makarius, Bonn, 1866. Consult: J. Stoffels, Die mystische Theologie Makarius des Aegypters und die altesten Ansutze christlicher Mystik, Bonn, 1908; B. Lindner, Symbolae historiae theologicae mysticae: de Macario, Leipsic, 1846; T. Forster, in Jahrbücher für deutsche Theologie, 1873. pp. 439-501; R. Lobe, in Kirchliches Jahrbuch für Sachs.-Altenburg, 1900, pp. 37-38.

2. The Regula monastica ascribed to Macarius, a homily, and three apothegms are in A. Gallandi, Bibliotheca veterum patrum, vol. vii., 14 vols., Venice, 1765-81. Consult: Floss, ut sup.; O. Zöckler, Askese und Monchtum, pp. 226-227, 247, 335, 375, Frankfort, 1897; O. Bardenhewer, Patrologie, pp. 232-233, Freiburg, 1901.

3. C. Blondel, Macarii Magnetis quae supersunt, Paris, 1876; L. Schalkhausser, Zu den Schriften du Macarius Von Magnesia, in TU, 1907; L. Duchesne, De Macario Magnete, Paris, 1877; W. Moller, in TLZ, 1877, no. 19; T. Zahn, in ZKJ, iii. 450-459; C. J. Naumann, Scriptorum Graecorum . . . quae supersunt, fasc. iii., Leipsic, 1880; O. Bardenhewer, ut sup., pp. 331-332.


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