
4. Practises Connected with Administration

The original Lutheran and Calvinist types of administration have been noted above. The mode of administration in non-Episcopal churches in America and England is almost uni form. The elements are consecrated by prayer by the minister, who breaks as much bread and pours out as much wine as he deems sufficient. He repeats the words of institution; he then hands the elements for distribution to the elders or deacons, who serve him first and then pass to the other communicants sitting in their pews. In the Anglican Communion and also in many Lutheran churches the communicants kneel at the chancel rail. In the German Reformed Church they stand. On modern sanitary principles an agitation has recently been made in America for the introduction of individual communion cups, and the movement has slowly spread very widely. For communion in both kinds see Mass, II., 5.

Bibliography: On the general subject the works cited under Eucawalsm should be consulted, as also those under Transubstantiation. On 3...consult: The works cited in Biblical Introduction, II., especially those of Weise and Beyschlag; J. G. Scheibel, Das Abendmahl des Horn, Breslau, 1823; D. Schulz, Die christliche Lehre vom Ahendmahl noch dem Grundlext des N. T., ib. 1824; J. J. I. von Döllinger, Die Lehre von der Euehar%atie in den drei staler Jahrhunderten, Mainz, 1825; F. W. Linjner, Die Lehrs vom Abendmahl reach der Schrift, Hamburg, 1831; K. F. A. Kahnie, Die Lehre vom Abendmahl, Leipsic, 1E51; L. J. Rtlekert, Doe Aberdmahl, sein Wesen und seine Geschichte in der alters Kirche, ib. 1856; C. T. Keim, Geschichte Jean von Naeara, iii. 268, Zurich, 1872, Eng. transl., 8 vols., London, 187582; H. Schultz, in TSK, 1888; P. Lobstein, La Doctrine de la saints cdne, Lausanne, 1889; Harnack, in TU, vii. 2, 1891; T. Zahn, Brot and Weir in Abandmahl der alter Kirche, Leipsic, 1892, cf. Barnack in TLZ, no. 15, 1892; A. Jülicher, in Theologiachs Abhandlungen . . K. von Weizattcker gewidmet, Freiburg, 1882; C. Weizeileker, Doe apoetolische Zeitalter, pp. 574 sqq., Freiburg, 1892, Eng. transl., The Apostolic Age, 2 vols., London, 1894-95; F. Spitta, ZwGeschichte and Literatw des Urchrfietentuma, vol. i., Göttingen, 1893; E. Grafe, in Zeitschrift f�r Theologie und Kirche, 1895, part 2, pp. 101-138; F. Schulten, Doe Abendmahl im N. T., Göttingen, 1895; A. C. MaGiffert, Hist. of Christianity in as Apostolic Age, pp. 88 sqq. et passim, New York, 1897; A. Eiohhorn, Das Abendmahl im N. T., Leipsic, 1898; Schaff, Christian Church, i. 471-474; and the commentaries on the basal passages.

On TT (history of the doctrine is the Church) consult: Harpack, Dogma, vols., i., ii., iv., v., vii. and, in general, the treatises on the history of doctrine; the works of Döllinger, Kabnie and Rilekert, ut sup.; F. C. Baur, in Tübinger Zeitschrift flit Theologie, 1839, pp. 58-144; J. H. A. Ebrard, Das Dogma vom heiligen Abendmahl und seine Geschichte, 2 vols., Frankfort, 184b-48; J. W. Nevin, The Mdatical Presence; Vindication of the Reformed or Calvinistic Docking of the Holy Eucharist, Philadelphia, 1848; W. J. E. Bennett, The Eucharist; its Hist., Doctrine, and Practice, London, 1851; J. W. F. HSfling, Die Lehre der Slteaten Kirche room OyJer, Erlangen, 1851; R. Wilberforce, The Doctrine of as Holy Eucharist, London, 1853 (Anglican tractarian); A. W. DieckhoH, Die evangelisths Lehre im Reformotiomzeitalter, Göttingen, 1854; R. Halley, The Sacramenta, part TL, The Lord's Supper, London, 1855; P. Freeman, The Principles of Divine Service, 2 parts, London, 1855-82; E. Bickereteth, A 1'reatias on as Lord's Supper, ed. L. W. P. Batch, New

York, 1857; E. B. Pussy, The Real Presence of the Body and Blood of ow Lord do the Holy Eucharist, Oxford, 1857; G. F. Msmlear, The Witness of the Eucharist, London 1884; G. E. Steitz, in Jahrbücher für deutsche Theologie, ix (1864), 409-481, x (1865), 64-152, 399-483, xi (18&5), 193-253, xii (1866), 211-286, xiii (1868), 3-66, 849-700; J. B. Dalgavine, The Holy Communion, its Philosophy, Theology and Practice, New York, 1868 (Roman Catholic); H. Schmid, Der ICampf der lutherischen Kirche um Luthers Lehre vom Abendmahd im Reformationazeitalter Leipsic, 1888; J. Harrison, Answer to Dr. Pussy's Challenge respecting the Doctrine of as Real Presence, 2 vols., London, 1871 (Anglican Low-church); J. Macknaught, Cana Domini, ib. 1878 (on the doctrine of the Anglican Church); H. Schultz, Zw Lehre vom heiligen Abendmahl, Gotha, 1888; L. Lanzoni, The Names of the Eudtaraat Dublin, 1887; J. P. Lilley, The Lord's Supper, . its Origin, Nature and Use, Edinburgh, 1891; F. L. Renz, Opfercharakter der Euehar%atie each der Lehre der Vader der drei eraten Jahrhunderte Padetborn 1892; J. It. Milne, Doctrine and Practice of the Eucharist, London, 1895; J. Wilpert, Fractio pants. Die dlteate Daratellung des eucharistiathen Opjera in der "Capella Grmca," Freiburg, 1895; J. Emend, Die eroanpelischen deutschen Meaeen bia zu Luthers Deutscher Mesas, Göttingen, 1898; J. Behringer, Die heilige Kommunion in ihren Wirkungen, Regensburg, 1895; A. Naegle, Die Euchariatielehre des J. Chrysostomus, Freiburg, 1900; V. Schmitt, Die Verheieaung der Euchariatiebei den V4tern, Würzburg,1900; C. Gore, The Body of Christ; an Inquiry into the Institution and Doctrine of Holy Communion, London, 1901; W. G6tamann, Dos euchariatische Opfer reach der Lehre der ttltern Scholaetik, Freiburg, 1901; A. G. Mortimer, Euchariatic Sacrifice; historical and theological Investigation of the sacrificial Conception . . . in the Catholic Church, London 1901; R. M. Adamson, Christian Doctrine of the Lord's Supper, Edinburgh, 1905; J. C. Hedley, The Holy Eucharist, London, 1907.

On IV. consult: SammZung liturgischer Farmulare der evangeliach-lutherischen Kirche, part 3, Nördlingen, 1842 ; A. L. Richter, Die evaragelischen Kirchenordnungen des Tti. Jahrhunderts, Weimar, 1846; H. A. Daniel, Codex litwpicus, vols., ii.-iii., Ixipeic, 1847-53; J. W. F. Hofling, Luwpiachet Urkunderabuch, viii. 75 sqq., Schwerin, 1861; L. $chSberlein, Schatz des liturgischen Chor- and Gemeindegeaanga, vol. i., Göttingen, 1865.

On V. consult: W. Vaux, The Benefits Attached to Participation in, . . . as Lord's Supper, Oxford, 1826; A. N. Arnold, Prerequisites to Communion, Boston, 1860; T. W. Perry, Historical Considerations Relating to the Declaration on Kneeling in . . , the . . . Book of Common Prayer, London, 1863; F. Hall, Fasting Reception of as Blessed Sacrament, ib. 1882; J. W. Kempe, Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament, ib. 1887; R. Shiells, The Story of the Token as Belonging to , the Lord's Supper, New York, 1892; J. Hughes-Games, Evening Communion, London, 1894; R. V. Bury, Vinum eacramenti; critical Examination of as Nature of the Wine of the Holy Communion, Dublin, 1904; C. R. Davey Biggs, The Lord's Supper; Text of the (Anglican) Service Explained, Oxford, 190b; S. Phillips, The Communion of the, Sick, London, 1905.


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