
LOVE, FAMILY OF. See Familists.

LOVE FEAST. See Agape.

LOVE, CHRISTOPHER: Presbyterian, b. at Cardiff, in Glamorganshire, 1618; educated at New Inn Hall, Oxfort, 1635. After taking the master's


degree he was obliged to leave Oxford for refusing to subscribe Archbishop Laud's canons. He went to London, and became domestic chaplain to the sheriff, and took a bold stand against the errors of the Book of Common Prayer and the religious tyranny of the times. He was cast into prison on account of an aggressive sermon at Newcastle, and in various ways persecuted in London. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was made preacher to the garrison of Windsor Castle, where he gave great offense to the prelatical party by his pointed utterances. He was one of the first to receive presbyterial ordination under the new organization in Jan. 23, 1644, at Aldermanbury; London; and became pastor of St. Laurence Jewry in London, where he was highly esteemed for the eloquence and vigor of his preaching. He was a strong Presbyterian, the leader of the younger men of that party. In this way he became involved in a treasonable correspondence with the Presbyterians of Scotland to restore Charles II.; and, with many others, was arrested May 7, 1651, and chosen to make an example of, to check the Presbyterian agitation against Cromwell and in favor of Charles II. He was condemned and beheaded on Tower Hill, Aug. 22, 1651. This excited the indignation and wrath of the entire Presbyterian party, which had petitioned, by ministerial bodies and parishes, in vain for his pardon. He went to his death as their hero and martyr. His funeral sermon was preached by Thomas Manton to an immense sympathizing audience. His sermons were published, after his death, under the auspices of the leading Presbyterians of London. The most important of his works are: Grace, the Truth and Growth, and different Degrees thereof (226 pp., London, 1652); Heaven's Glory, Hell's Terror (350 pp., 1653); Combate between the Flesh and the Spirit (292 pp., 1654); Treatise of Effectual Calling (218 pp.,1658); The Natural Man's Case Stated (8vo, 280 pp., 1658); Select Works (8vo, Glasgow, 1806-07, 2 vols.).

C. A. Briggs.

Bibliography: D. Neal, Hist. of the Puritans, ed. J. Toulmin, 5 vols., Bath, 1793-97; W. Wilson, Hist. and Antiquities of the Dissenting Churches in London, i. 332, iii. 330, 4 vols., London, 1808-14; Memoirs of the Life of Ambrose Barnes, ed. W. H. D. Longstaffe for the Surtees Society, no. 50, Durham, 1887; W. A. Shaw, Hist. of the English Church . . . 1640-1680,ii. 149, 321, 404, London, 1900; DNB, xxxiv. 155-157.


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