MAURY, m8"A', JEAN SIFFREIN: French cardinal; b. at ValrOas (78 m. n.n.w. of Marseilles), France, June 26, 1746; d. at Montefiascone (about 50 m. n.n.w. of Rome), Italy, May 11, 1817. He was educated in the seminary of Avignon, but occupied himself more with literature than theology. By his Oraison funkbre du Dauphin, panogyrrque de saint Louis (Paris, 1766), he attracted great atten tion as an orator; was made abbot of Frdnade, and prior of Lyons, and published his best work Essai Sur lWoquence de la chaire (new ed., Paris, 1810, Eng. transl., Principles of Ed1793). Elected a member of the States ~ o Generalin 1789, and of the constituent assembly, he played a conspicuous part, defending the prerogatives of the crown, the privileges of the nobility, and the immu nities of the church. Compelled to emigrate in 1792, he repaired to Rome, where he was received by Pius VI. with great honor; made archbishop in partib- of Nica;a, bishop of Montefiascone, and cardinal 1794. At the instance of Pius VII., it is said he wrote a humble letter to Napoleon, Aug. 22, 1804, which resulted in his reconciliation with the French Government. In 1806 he returned to Paris; and so absolutely did . he devote himself to
Napoleon that he became an object of hatred to the legitimists and the ultramontanes. In 1810 Napoleon made him archbishop of Paris; but the chapter protested against the appointment, and the pope refused his sanction. He was expelled from his see as soon as the Bourbons returned, and, when he went to Rome to lay the case before the pope, was imprisoned in the castle of San Angelo until he resigned his see. His (Euvres choisies were published by his nephew (5 vols., Parie,1827); his Correspondance diplomatique et mémoires iWdifs appeared in 2 vols. (Lille, 1891); his (Euvres orataires completes are in Migne, Collection . . . ales orateurs sacrés, Vol. Ixvii.
Bibliography: J. J. F. Pouioulat, Le Cardinal Maury, sa vie. sea wuvrea, Paris, 1859; G. Bonet-Maury, Le Cardinal Maury d'apr~s see mémoires et as correapondance in6dite, 17.48-1817, ib. 1892.
MAUSBACH, maus'baa, KARL JOSEPH: German Roman Catholic; b. at Wipperfeld (a village near Wipperfiirth, 23 m. n.e. of Cologne) Feb. 7, 1861. He was educated at the University of Münster (D.D., 1888) and the theological seminary at EichsMtt, having already been a curate in Cologne in 1884. He was teacher of religion in MunchenGladbach from 1889 to 1892, and since the latter year has been professor of moral theology and apologetics at the University of MiInater. He has written: D. Thom&, Aquinatis de voluntate et appetitu sensitivo doctrana (Paderborn, 1888); Christentum and Weltmoral (Münster, 1897); Die katholische Moral, ihre Methoden, Crrundsdtze and Aufgaben (Cologne, 1901); Die ultramontane moral nach Graf Paul Von Hoembroech (Berlin, 1902); Kernfragen christlicher Welt- and Lebemanschauung (München-Gladbach, 1903-08); Weltgrund and Menschheitsziel (1904); Auagewahlte Texte zur allgemeinen Moral au8 Thomas von Aquin (Münster, 1905); Die Stellung der Frau im Menschheitsleben (MunchenGladbaeh,1906); Altchriatliche and moderns Gedanken über Frauenberuf (1906); and Die Ethik ales heiligen Auguetinus (2 vols., Freiburg, 19M).
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