MENDES, FREDERICK DE SOLA: Jewish rabbi; b. at Montego Bay, Jamaica, July 8, 1850. He was educated at Northwick College (1865-68), the University of London (1868-70; B.A., 1869), and the university and Jewish theological seminary of Breslau (1870-73; Ph.D., Jena, 1871). On returning to England, he became rabbi of Great St. Helen's Synagogue, London, in 1873, but within the year accepted a call to the rabbinate of Congregation Shaaray Tefillah (now West End Synagogue), New York City, of which he is still the head. In 1879 he was one of the founders of The American Hebrew, which he edited until 1885. In 1900-02 he was likewise associated with the editorial staff of The Jewish Encyclopedia, and in 1903 edited, the Jewish Menorah. He is one of the collaborators in the revision of a new Jewish translation of the Bible, and besides translating the "Jewish Family Papers: Letters of a Missionary" of Gustav Meinhardt (the pseudonym of W. Herzberg; New York, 1875), has written Defense, not Defiance; A Hebrew's Reply to the Missionaries (1876); Child's First BiVe (1879); and Outlines of Bible History (1886).
MENDICANT MONKS, MENDICANT ORDERS (Ordines mendicantium): Those monastic orders which renounce on principle established income and live by the solicitation of alms; such as the Dominicans, Franciscans, Augustinians, Carmelites, and Servites (qq.v.).
MENEGOZ, mb"n6"g6z', 'EUGENE: French Protestant; b. at Algolaheim (a village near Br'Oi sach, 40 m. s.s.w. of Strasburg), Alsace, Sept. 25, 1838. He was educated at the gymnasium of Strasburg and the faculty of Protestant theology in the same city. After being subdirector of the preparatory school of Lutheran theology in Paris for four months in 1866, he was assistant pastor of the Pglise des Billettes, Paris, until 1877. Since the latter year he has been professor at the faculty of Protestant theology, Paris, and director of the seminary of the same faculty. He was likewise a member of the Council of the University of Paris in 1895-1906 and of the Upper Council of Public Instruction in 1901-05. In theology he is a"symboIo-fiddiste,'seeking " a middle way between rationalism and orthodoxy." He has written.9tude
1862); R~flextons Sur 1 L;vangtle du Salut (Paris, 1879); dogmatxque Sur l'ulee de 01gliae (Strasburg, MenineisLe P&hk et la rMemptian d'aprba Saint Paul (1882); Quid de catechismo sentiendum sit (1882); La Notion du cat6chisme (1882); Luther conaiderE comthéologien (1883); La Predestination daps la theologie paulinienne (1884); L'Autoritk de Dieu (1892); La Théologie de l'~pitre aux Hgbreux (1894); La Notion bi'blique du miracle (1894); etude our Is dog- de la Trinitk (1898); Du Rapport entre fhistoire saints et la Jai religieuse (1899); Le Salut d'aprbs l'enr aeignement de Jesus-Christ (1899); La Justification par la foi d'aprbs Saint Paul et Saint Jacques (1901); Apergti de la th&logie d'Auguste Sabatier (1901); Le Fideisme et la notion de la foi (1905); La. Religion et la vie socials (1905); La Mort de Jesus et le dogme de l'expiation (1905); L'Anti-fdW.Tme (1906); and Une triple distinction thEologique. Observations Sur Is rapport de la foi religieuse avec la science, l'histoire et la philosophic (1908). He was also one of the founders of the Annales de bibliographic théologique.
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