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Becoming, through stress of circumstances, a historian instead of an exegete, Langen now wrote the book which was to be at once the scientific basis of Old Catholicism and the justification of opposition to Vaticanism, Das vatikanische Dogma von dem Universal-Episkopat und der Unfehlbarkeit des Papstes in seinem Verhaltnis zum Neuen Testament und zur kirchlichen Ueberlieferung (3 parts, Bonn, 1871-73). To this same period belongs Die Kirchenvater und das Neue Testament (1874); but the chief work of his later life was his Geschichte der romischen Kirche, quellenmassig dargestellt (4 vols., 1881-93), which extends to the death of Innocent III. (1216) and forms the historic counterpart of his more theoretical Vatikanisches Dogma. He promised also a supplementary volume which should contain a resume of the history of the papal power from the death of Innocent to modern times, but this, though it probably exists in manuscript, has never appeared. In his studies on the development of the papacy Langen wrote also Die Klemensromane (Gotha, 1890), while as an advocate of union between the Old Catholics and the Greek Church he wrote Die trinitarische Lehrdiferenz zwischen der abendlandischen und morgenlandischen Kirche (Bonn, 1876) and Johannes von Damaskus (Gotha, 1879).
Although opinions upon Langen's scholarship differ, in great part because of the fundamental divergence of the points of view of Evangelical and Old Catholic thought, he was, at all events, an inspiring teacher, despite the fact that personally he was solitary, strongly pessimistic, and frequently over-severe in his judgment of men and conditions.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Consult the literature under OLD CATHOLICS.
Calvin College. Last modified on 10/03/03. Contact the CCEL. |