KRAFFT, WILHELM LUDWIG: German Reformed, brother of the preceding; b. at Cologne Sept. 8, 1821; d. at Bonn Mar. 11, 1898. He was educated at the universities of Bonn (1839-41) and Berlin (1841-43), and in 1844 he made a tour of Greece, Egypt, Nubia, Arabia, Sinai, and Palestine. After further study in Rome he became privat-docent in the Lutheran theological faculty at Bonn in 1846, extraordinary professor in 1850, and full professor in 1859. Here he lectured on the geography of Palestine, and later on church history. In 1863 he was made a member of the theological examining board at M�nster and later was appointed to the Coblenz consistory. In 1894 he re signed from the consistory, and shortly before his death was relieved from the obligation to lecture. Besides minor contributions he published: Die Topographie Jerusalems (Bonn, 1846); Die Kirchengeschichte der germanischen V�lker(Berlin, 1854), of which only the first part of the first volume appeared; Briefe und Dokumente aus der Zeit der Reformation (Elberfeld, 1876); and Die deutsche Bibel vor Luther (Bonn, 1883).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bonner Zeitung, Jan. 10, 1897.
KRANICH, kra'nih, ANTON: German Roman Catholic; b. at S�ssenberg (near Heilsberg, 41 m. s.e. of K�nigsberg), East Prussia, Aug. 20, 1852. He studied at the Lyceum of Braunsberg (1875-1878) and the University of W�rzburg (D.D., 1881), and after being literat at the Selecta at Wormditt (1882-84) was curate at Elbing (1884-88). He was then sub-director of the seminary for priests at Braunsberg from 1888 to 1891, became privat-docent at the lyceum of the same city in 1889, associate professor of dogmatic theology and auxiliary theological sciences in 1892, and professor of the same subjects in 1894. He has written: Der heilige Basilius in seiner Stellung zum Filioque (Braunsberg, 1882); Ueber die Empf�nglichkeit der menschlichen Natur f�r die G�ter der �bernat�rlichen Ordnung nach der Lehre des heiligen Augustinus und des heiligen Thomas von Aquin (Paderborn, 1892); Die Asketik in ihrer dogmatischen Grundlage bei Basilius dem Grossen (1896); Ecclesia quibus de causis per se ipsa sit motivum credibilitatis et divin� su� legationis testimonium (Braunsberg, 1898); Kirche and Kirchspiel Reichenberg (1903); and Qua vi ac ratione Clemens Alexandrinus ethnicos ad religionem christianam adducere studuerit (1903).
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