
KATERKAMP, kd'ter-kamp, JOHANN THEODOR HERMANN: German Roman Catholic; b. at Ochtrup (25 m. n.w. of M�nster), Westphalia, Jan. 17, 1764; d. at Munster June 9, 1834. He studied in M�nster, was ordained priest in 1787, and for ten years was tutor to the sons of Baron Droste-Vischering, spending a part of this time traveling with his wards in Switzerland and Italy. From 1797 till 1806 he resided in the home of Princess Amalie Galitzin. In 1809 he became professor of church history at M�nster, and in 1831 was appointed dean of the cathedral at M�nster. His principal work is his church history to the year 1153 (6 vols., M�nster, 1819-34). He also published Denkwurdigkeiten aus dam Leben der Furatin Amalia van Gallitzin (1828).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Trauerrede, by H. Brookmann M�nster, 1834; E. Rassmann, Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Schriften M�nsterl�ndischer Schriftsteller, ib. 1866; KL, vii. 333-335.

KATTENBUSCH, kat'ten-bush, FRIEDRICH WILHELM FERDINAND: German Lutheran; b. at Kettwig (7 m. s.s.w. of Essen) Oct. 3, 1851. He studied in Bonn, Berlin, Halle (1869-73), and G�ttingen (lic. theol., 1875); became privat-docent in G�ttingen, 1876; professor of systematic theology at Giessen 1878, at G�ttingen 1904, and at Halle,1906. He was created a privy ecclesiastical councilor in 1897 and since 1903 has been a member of the Norwegian Videnskabsselskabet. In theology he is a follower of Albrecht Ritschl, and has written among other works: Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Confessionskunde, i. (Freiburg, 1892); Das apostolische Symbol, seine Entstehung, sein geschichtlicher Sinn and seine urspr�ngliche Stellung im Kultus und in der Theologie der Kirche (2 vols., Leipsic, 1894-1900) ; and Das sittliche Recht des Krieges (Giessen, 1906).

KAULEN, kau'len, : German Roman Catholic; b. at D�sseldorf Mar. 20, 1827; d. at Bonn July 11, 1907. He studied in Bonn (1846-49) and at the theological seminary in Cologne (1849), and was chaplain at Duisburg (1850-52) and Dottendorf (1852-53), rector and prison chaplain at P�tzchen, near Bonn (1853-59), lecturer in the theological seminary at Bonn (1859-63), and privat-docent in the University of Bonn (1863-80). In 1880 he became associate professor of Old-Testament exegesis in Bonn, and full professor in 1882. After 1892 he was a domestic prelate to the pope. He edited the fifth to the eighth editions of C. H. Vosen's Rudimenta. linguae hebraicae (Freiburg, 1872-1899); the twelfth to the eighteenth editions of the same author's Kurze Einleitung zum Erlernen der hebr�ischen Sprache (1874-1900); the second edition of the KL (12 vols., 1882-1903); and the second and third editions of K. Martin's translation of the "Antiquities" of Josephus (Cologne, 1883-92). As independent works he wrote: Liber Jonae prophetae (Mainz, 1862); Legende von dem seligen Hermann Joseph (1862); Geschichte der Vulgata (1869); Handbuch zur Vulgata (1870); Einleitung in die heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments (2 parts, 1876-1881); Assyrien und Babyloniean nach den neuesten Entdeckungen (Cologne, 1877); Kurze Einleitung in die heilige Schrift des Alten und des Neuen Testaments (Freiburg, 1897); and Der biblische Sch�pfungsbe richt erkl�rt (1902).


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