
KABIR: Hindu religious leader. See INDIA,I., 3, � 3; SIKHS, SIKHISM.


KAEHLER, k�'ler, CARL MARTIN AUGUST: German Protestant; b. at Neuhausen (7 m. n.e. of K�nigsberg), Jan. 6, 1835. He studied law at K�nigsberg (1853-54), and theology at Heidelberg (1854-55), Halle (1855-58), and T�bingen (1858-59); became privat-docent at Halle, 1860; associate professor of theology at Bonn, 1864; went in a similar capacity to Halle, 1867, and has been full professor of systematic theology and New Testament exegesis in Halle since 1879. His writings include: August Tholuck, ein Lebensabriss (Halle, 1877); Julius M�ller, der hallische Dogmatiker (1878); Neutestamentliche Schriften in genauer Wiedergabe ihres Gedankenganges dargestellt (3 vols., comprising Hebrews, Galatians, and Ephesians, 1880-94); Die Wissensehaft der chrisllichen Lehre (3 parts, Erlangen, 1883-87); Der sogenannte historische Jesus und der geschichtliche Christus (1896); Jesus und das Alte Testament (Leipsic, 1896); Dogmatische Streitfragen (2 vols., (1898); Wiedergeboren durch die Auferstehung Jesu Christi (1901); and Die Sakramente als Gnadenmittel (1903).

KAEHLER, LUDWIG AUGUST: German Protestant; b. at Sommerfeld (44 m. s.s.e. of Frankfort-on-the-Oder), Prussia., Mar. 6, 1775; d. at K�nigsberg Nov. 7, 1855. He attended the Royal School at Meissen, the Gymnasium at Gorau, and the University of Erlangen, and, after spending two and a half years as private tutor, became assistant pastor at Kanig, near Guben, in 1798. Here he found leisure to write a number of romances, some of which won even Goethe's approval. He declined a call to the office of general superintendent of Lower Lusatia, but in 1809 entered upon the diaconate at Guben. Ten years later he was called to K�nigsberg as consistorial counselor, professor of theology, and superintendent of the L�benicht parish. He took an important part in the direction of the provincial Church, and after Borowski's death officiated four years as acting general superintendent. In 1841 he resigned all his offices on account of a paralytic stroke. Kahler was one of the chief representatives of a rationalistic-idealistic school, which, like that of Schleiermacher, rejected both supernaturalism and the older rationalism of the Enlightenment. He was largely under the influence of the philosophy of Kant and Jacobi. His principal works are: Geschichte von Cottbus, w�hrend der Jahre 1813-14 (Cottbus, 1814); Supernaturalismus und Rationalismus in ihrem gemeinschaftlichen Ursprunge, ihrer Zwietracht and h�hern Einheit(Leipsic, 1818); Philagathos: Andeutungen �ber das Reich des Guten (K�nigsberg, 1823); the unfinished Christliche Sittenlehre (1st section of part 1, 1833); and Wissenschaftlicher Abriss der christlichen Sittenlehre (2 parts, 1835-37).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: S. A. K�hler, Ludurig August K�hler, . . . M�ttheilungen �ber sein Leben und seine Schriften, K�nigsberg, 1856 (by his son).


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