
JOBSON, FREDERICK JAMES: English Wesleyan; b. at Northwich (17 m. e.n.e. of Chester), Cheshire, July 6, 1812; d. in London Jan. 4, 1881. He served an apprenticeship to an architect of Norwich, but in 1834 entered the Wesleyan Ministry. He was located at Patrington Yorkshire, in 1834, and at Manchester 1835-37. In the latter year he went to London as assistant at the City Road Chapel. In 1858 he was sent by the British conference to the Methodist Episcopal Conference at Indianapolis, Ind., and in 1860 to the conference at Sydney, Australia. As book steward of the Wesleyan Methodist organization 1864-79 he greatly extended the publishing-business of his denomination. For twelve years he superintended the Methodist Magazine. In 1869 he was elected president of the Wesleyan Methodist conference. His principal works are, Chapel and School Architecture (London, 1850); A Mother's Portrait (1855); America and American Methodism (1857); Australia; with Notes by the Way on Egypt, Ceylon, Bobay, and the Holy Land (1862); Perfect Love for Christian Believers (1864); Serious Truths for Consideration (1884); and Visible Union with the Church of Christ (1864). A number of his sermons were printed in B. Gregory's Life of F. J. Jobson (London, 1884).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Besides the Life by Gregory, ut sup., consult the Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, Sept. 1844, June 1871, and 1881, pp. 150-157, 176-185, 285-294, 397; DNB, xxix. 396.

JOCELIN, jes'e-lin: A Cistercian monk of Furness Abbey (in northwestern Lancashire, west of Morecambe Bay) and later of Down in North Ireland. He flourished about 1200 and is noteworthy for his lives of saints, especially his Life of St. Kentigern (ed. A. P. Forbes, Edinburgh, 1874) and the Life and Miracles of St. Patrick (published by Colgan in the Trias thaumaturga, Louvain, 1647, 64-116, and in the ASB, Mar., ii. 540-580; Eng. transl. by E. L. Swift, Dublin, 1809).

JOCH, yoh, JOHANN GEORG: German Protestant theologian; b. at Rothenburg (31 m. s.s.e. of W�rzburg) Dec. 27, 1677; d. at Wittenberg Oct. 1, 1731. He is noted in the ecclesiastical history of his time as an ardent champion of pietistic teachings in the two strongholds of orthodox Lutheran theology, Dortmund and Wittenberg. At Jena, where he studied from 1697 to 1709, he became an enthusiastic follower of Spener, and when he was made superintendent and gymnasiarch at Dortmund in the latter year, he applied himself to the performance of his duties in the spirit of pietism. He found a demoralized and materialistic clergy, devoted solely to dogmatism and polemics, and at once began a struggle for regeneration by means of pietistic assemblies and the institution of catechism classes. This brought him into conflict with his clerical colleagues, but he enjoyed the support of the municipal authorities until he alienated them by his attacks upon them. In 1722 he became head preacher at Erfurt, and in 1726 was appointed professor of theology at Wittenberg, where his advent was the signal for the outbreak of a long controversy in which the cause of Pietism made little headway. Joch was a prolific writer in various fields, but his productions, almost without exception, were pamphlets of little permanent value.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: C. W. F. Walch. Historie der Ketzereien, vi. 236; 473 sqq., 11 vols., Leipsic, 1762-85; J. C. W. Augusti, Beitr�ge zur Geschichte und Statistik der evangelischen Kirche, i. 164-231, Jena, 1837.


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