
JOHNSON, FREDERICK FOOTE: Protestant Episcopal bishop coadjutor of South Dakota; b. at Newtown, Conn., Apr. 23, 1866. He was graduated at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., in 1894, and at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., in 1897. After being minister at Glenwood Springs, Col., 1896-97, and curate of St. Stephen's, Colorado Springs, 1897-99, he was rector of Trinity, Redlands, Cal., 1899-1904. He was then diocesan missionary in Western Massachusetts for a year, and in 1905 was consecrated bishop coadjutor of South Dakota.

JOHNSON, GISLE CHRISTIAN: Norwegian theologian; b. at Fredrikshald (58 m. s.s.e. of Christiania) Sept. 10, 1822; d. at Christiania July 17, 1894. He was educated at the cathedral school of Christiansand and at the University of Christiania, after which a scholarship enabled him to travel and study in Berlin, Leipsic, Erlangen, Heidelberg, T�bingen, and Paris. He returned to Norway in the fall of 1847, and was appointed lecturer in theology at the university two years later, becoming professor in 1860. He lectured on systematic theology, history of doctrine, theological encyclopedia, and, after 1877, on church history.

Johnson exercised an important influence on Christian life in general as well as on his students by his devotional lectures in Christiania and elsewhere. He spent many of his vacations in traveling through the country in search of health, and in these travels, which were generally on foot, he visited awakened Christian laymen. His theological standpoint was strict orthodoxy of the old Lutheran type, and be worked for the home missions in Christiania, the Norwegian Luther-foundation, the students' home, and similar institutions. Despite his thorough learning, he was not a prolific


author, for his rigid self-criticism made him too timid, but when, in 1857, the pietistic preacher G. A. Lammers, of Skien, left the established Church and undertook to found a "free apostolic and Christian congregation," abolishing, among other things, infant baptism, Johnson published his Nogle Ord om Barnedaaben. He also collaborated with C. P. Caspari in translating the Old Testament until 1890, and with F. W. Bugge in making a version of the New Testament. With Caspari, furthermore, he edited Tidsskrift for den evangelisklutherske kirke i Norge. In 1863 he founded the Luthersk Kirketidende, which he edited till 1875, and to which he contributed many articles. In 1878-79 he published his Grundrids af den systematiske Theologie, while his Forelœsninger over den christelige Ethik and Forelœsninger over Dogmehistorien appeared posthumously in 1896.



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