JACOBUS, MELANCTHON WILLIAMS: The name of two American divines.
1. Presbyterian pastor and educator; b. at Newark, N. J., Sept. 19, 1816; d. at Allegheny, Pa., Oct. 28, 1876. He was graduated from the College of New Jersey (Princeton) in 1834, and from the Princeton Theological Seminary in 1838. The following year he was instructor in Hebrew at the seminary. In Sept., 1839, he entered upon a pastorate of twelve years at the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn. In 1851 he became professor of Oriental and Biblical literature in the Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., and retained this position till his death. He was also pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg, 1858-1870. In 1870 he presided, conjointly with Philemon H. Fowler, at the opening of the first General Assembly of the reunited Presbyterian Church, old and new schools. His principal works are Notes on the New Testament (4 vols., 1848-59); Notes on the Book of Genesis (2 vols., 1864-65); and Notes on the Book of Exodus (1874).
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Presbyterian Reunion: a Memorial Volume, pp. 530-532, New York, 1871; R. E, Thompson, in American Church History Series, vi. 144, 178, 181, ib. 1895; J. H. Patton, Popular Hist. of the Presbyterian Church, p. 407, ib. 1900.
2. Congregationalist, son of the preceding; b. at Allegheny City, Pa., Dec. 15, 1855. He was graduated from Princeton College in 1877, and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1881; studied at G�ttingen and Berlin (1881-84). He was pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Oxford, Pa. (1884-91), and since 1891 has been professor of New-Testament exegesis and criticism in Hartford Theological Seminary, where he has been dean of the faculty since 1903, and acting president in 1902-03. He was also acting pastor of Center Congregational Church, Hartford, Conn., in 1899-1900 and was Stone lecturer in Princeton Theological Seminary in 1897-98, and lecturer on the New Testament in Mount Holyoke College in 1901 and 1903-04. He has written A Problem in New Testament Criticism (Stone lectures; New York, 1900), and has edited Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles Compared (New York, 1905); and A Standard Bible Dictionary (1909).
JACOBY, HERMANN KARL JOHANN: German Protestant; b. at Berlin Dec. 30, 1836. He was educated at the University of Berlin and the preachers' seminary at Wittenberg, and after being a teacher in the gymnasium of Landsberg, deacon at Heldrungen castle, and gymnasial teacher and assistant cathedral preacher at Stendal until 1868, was appointed professor of homiletics in the University of K�nigsberg, a position which he still occupies. He has written Zwei evangelische Lebensbilder aus der katholischen Kirche (Bielefeld, 1864); Liturgik der Refornatoren (2 vols., Gotha, 1871-76); Beitr�ge zur christlichen Erkenntnis (G�tersloh, 1871); Christi Tugenden (Gotha, 1883); Luthers vorreformatorische Predigt (K�nigsberg, 1883); Allgemeine P�dagogik auf Grund der christlichen Ethik (Gotha, 1883); Der erste Brief des Apostels Johannes (Leipsic, 1891); Neutestamentliche Ethik (K�nigsberg, 1899); and Die Evangelien des Markus und Johannes, homiletische Betrachtungen (Leipsic,1903).
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