Yet in spite of the defects and weaknesses already mentioned, Jerome has retained a rank among the western Fathers. This would be his due, if for nothing else, on account of the incalculable influence exercised by his Latin version of the Bible upon the subsequent ecclesiastical and theological development. But that he won his way to the title of a saint and doctor of the catholic Church was possible only because he broke away entirely from the theological school in which he was brought up, that of the Origenists. In the artistic tradition of the Roman Catholic Church it has been usual to represent him, the patron of theological learning, as a cardinal, by the side of the Bishop Augustine, the Archbishop Ambrose, and the Pope Gregory. Even when he is depicted as a half-clad anchorite, with cross, skull, and Bible for the only furniture of his cell, the red hat or some other indication of his rank is as a rule introduced somewhere in the picture.
The article in W. Smith, Dictionary of Greek
and Roman Biography and Mythology, ii. 459 sqq., London,
1890, is valuable as a bird's-eye view of Jerome's works,
particularly in giving a table showing the numbers of the
letters as they appear in the three principal arrangements
A valuable bibliography is given in Potthast, Wegweiser,
pp. 595-596, 1370-71; another is in the British Museum
Catalogue and Supplement; still another in U. Chevalier,
R�pertoire des sources historiques du moyen �ge, pp. 1263-1265, Paris. 1894 sqq.
The edition of the "Works" by Erasmus, including all
then known, appeared, 9 vols., Basel, 1516-20, followed
by that of Marianus Victorinus, 9 vols., Rome, 1565-72;
then came editions by U. Calixtus and A. Tribbechovius
12 vols., Frankfort, 1684-90, the Benedictine by J. Mertianay,
5 vols., Paris, 1693-1706; the edition of Vallarsi,
11 vols., Verona, 1734-42, reproduced in most subsequent
editions including that of MPL, xxii.-xxx. NPNF, 2d
ser., vol. v, contains Eng. transl. of many of the 150 Letters,
the Prefaces to his works, and a number of treatises, including
his "Life of Hilarion," "Dialogue against Jovinianus"
and "Dialogue against the Pelagians," with a valuable
Introduction and Life.
The best sources for a life are his own writings, particularly his Letters and Prefaces, the latter of which often
give a clear insight into his mental states as well as a
knowledge of external events in his life. Augustine refers
to him in Epist. 261, Ad Oceanum, Contra Julianum l.,
and "City of God," xviii. 42; Sulpicius Severus records
his impression, received during a stay with Jerome at
Bethlehem lasting six months, in his Dialogi, i. 7-9. Elaborate modern treatments of the life are O. Z�ckler, Hieronymus,
sein Leben und Wirken, Gotha, 1865, and A. Thierry,
S. J�r�me, la soci�t� chr�tienne � Rome et l'�migration
romaine en terre sainte, 2 vols., Paris, 1875. Consult farther:
F. C. Collombet, Hist. de S. J�r�me: sa vie, ses
�crits, et sa doctrine, 2 vols., Paris, 1844; W. S. Gilly,
Vigilantius and his Times, pp. 91-124, London, 1844;
C. F. de T. Montalembert, Les Moines d'occident, i. 144-187, Paris, 1861; E. Bernard, Les Voyages de S. J�r�me,
ib. 1864; E. L. Cutts, St. Jerome, in Fathers for English
Readers, London, 1878; A. P. F. de Lambel, S. J�r�me,
Tours, 1880; C. Martin, Life of St. Jerome, London, 1888;
F. W. Farrar, Lives of the Fathers, ii. 150-297, New York,
1889; P. Largent, S. J�r�me, Paris, 1898. Eng. transl.,
London, 1900; G. Gr�tzmacher, Hieronymus, 3 vols.,
Leipsic, 1901-08; J. Brochet, S. J�r�me et ses ennemis,
Paris, 1906; J. Turmel, Saint J�r�me, ib. 1906; Jose
de Segu�nza (Father Fray), Life of St. Jerome, London,
1907; Tillemont, M�moires, vol, xii.; Ceillier, Auteurs
sacr�s, vii. 545-711 et passim (other volumes contain much
useful matter, consult Index); Schaff, Christian Church,
iii. 205-214, 967-988, and in general, the church histories
dealing with the period; DB, iv. 873-874; DCB, iii. 29-50.
Volumes dealing with special phases of Jerome's activity
are: M. Rahmer, Die hebr�ischen Traditionen in den
Werken des Hieronymus, Breslau, 1861; Aemil. L�beck,
Hieronymus quos noverit scriptores et ex quibus hauserit,
Leipsic, 1872; A. Ebert, AIlgemeine Geschichte der Litteratur
des Mittelalters, i. 176-203, ib. 1874; W. Nowack,
Die Bedeutung des Hieronymus f�r die alttestamentliche
Textkritik, G�ttingen, 1875; H Goelzer, �tude lexicographique
et grammaticale de la latinit� de S. J�r�me,, Paris,
1884; A. R�hricht, Essai sur S. J�r�me, ex�g�te, ib. 1891.
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