
HOFSTEDE DE GROOT, PETRUS: A founder of the Groningen school of theology (see Groningen School); b. at Leer, in East Friesland (38 m. e. of Groningen), Oct. 8, 1802; d. at Groningen Dec. 5, 1886. He was educated at the University of Groningen, and in 1826 he became preacher of the Reformed congregation in Ulrum, province of Groningen. In 1829 he was appointed professor at Groningen as successor of Clarisse. With his colleagues, J. F. van Oordt and L. G. Paresu, he founded the Groningen School (q.v.), and edited the periodical Waarheid in Liefde, to which he contributed numerous articles of a scientific and devotional nature.

Although De Groot adhered to the reality of the facts of salvation and laid all emphasis upon the person, the work, and the life of Christ, looking


upon him as the center of universal history, he was nevertheless in open contradiction with the doctrine of the Church in important articles of belief. He qualified the doctrine of the absolute inspiration of the Bible, denied the divinity of Christ and the atoning power of his blood, and rejected the dogma of the Trinity. The orthodox party protested against his teachings, but the synod took the part of De Groot, and the number of his adherents among preachers and members of .congregations increased steadily. The orthodox opposition, however, also became stronger and stronger. It can not be denied that the Groningen School paved the way for "modern theology," but De Groot was not able to follow it like some of his associates. He was too mystically inclined to find peace in its intellectualism, and his conservative spirit rebelled against its destructive criticism; but the influence of the modern tendency increased in such a way that many of his disciples and adherents forsook him. In this way De Groot was brought into closer contact with the orthodox.

Of his numerous works may be mentioned Epis- ttala ad Hebraos cum Paulinis epistolis armparota (Utrecht, 1825) and De Clemente Alezandrino, philosopho Christiano (Groningen, 1826). He re edited Hugo Grotius' Adnotationes in Novum Tes tamentum (9 parts, Groningen, 1826-34). The fruits of his studies in church history were: Geschiedenis van de Broederenkerk to Groningen (Groningen, 1832) and, in his old age, De oud-katholieke beweging in het licht der Kerkgeschiedenis (Groningen, 1877). Of text-books he published Inatitutio Theologize naluralis eive disquishtio philosophica de Deo hmninisque cum Deo coniundione (Groningen, 1834; 4th ed., 1861); Inetitutizrnes histories eccleeize Christiante (Groningen, 1835; 2d ed., 1852, under the title Lineamenta his tonze ecclesize Christiana); Overzicht der Bijbelsche en Kerkelijke Godgeleerdheid (Groningen, 1856). With Pareau he published Eneyclopadia theologi Christiani (Groningen, 1840; 3d ed., 1851), and Compendium dogmaticw et apologeticw Christian& (Groningen, 1840; 3d ed., 1848). For a larger circle of readers he published Voorlezingen over de geSchie denas der opvoeding des mensehdoma door God tot op de komst van Jezus Christ= (2 vols., Groningen, 1846; 3d ed., 1855), to which, in 1885, was added a third part under the title Gods openbaring de bron van Godsdienst en Wijsbegeerte voor het menschdz»n (2d revised ed., 1885). He expounded the principles of the Groningen School in De Groninger Godgeleerden en hunne eigenaardigheid (Groningen, 1855; Germ. transl., Gotha, 1863). In reply to Isaak da Costa's attack on the Groningen School he wrote De berich ten omtrent de Groninger Godgeleerde School van 1. da Costa toegdicht (Groningen, 1848). His views on "modern theology" are found in his works Over moderns theologie . . . (2 d ed., Groningen, 1863) and De moderns theologie in Nederland, volgens do hoofdwerken harer beroemdste vooratanders (Gron ingen, 1870; Germ. transl. by W. Krafft, Bonn, 1870).

(S. D. van Veen.)

Bibliography: The autobiographic Vijftig jaren in do

Theologie, Groningen, 1872; J. B. F. Heerspink, Dr. P. Hofatede de Groot's leven en werken, Groningen, 1898; H.

G. Braam, in Gsloof an Vriiheid, pp. 253-313, Rotterdam, 1887; J. Offerhaus, in Lsumsberichten der qfgsatorvsa


mdtleden roan de Maat-3chappij der Nederlandechs Letterkunde, pp. 237-309, Leyden, 1887 (contains lint of works).


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